退休的英文 退休用英語怎麼說?
retire v.退休;退職;退役;離開;去到;就寢;去睡覺;使退休;不再參加比賽;退出比賽
常用 權威
1. 退休金
pension; allowance for retirement; retirement pay
2. 退休制度
retirement system
3. 離退休幹部
retired cadre
4. 退休職工
retired worker
5. 提前退休
retire early
6. 夠退休年齡
reach the age of retirement
7. 延遲退休
delay retirement
8. 退休工人
retired worker;retired manual worker; blue-collar retiree
9. 退休年金
pension annuities
10. 退休年齡
retirement age;retirement age; retiring age
11. 退休人員社團
community of retired persons
12. 辦理退休手續
go through the retirement formalities
13. 遞交退休申請
submit a retirement application
14. 退休人員管理會
association of retired persons
1. 三分之一的美國人享受提前退休。
One in three Americans enjoy earlier retirement.
2. 她決定在退休前遊過英吉利海峽。
She decided to swim across the English Channel before she retired.
3. 退休後,無聊感可以得到緩解。
Boredom can be relieved after retirement.
4. 我退休了,但藝術家永遠不會退休。
I'm retired, but an artist never retires.
5. 退休人員的心理健康被忽視了。
The mental health of retirees is overlooked.
6. 退休前,他希望在海里種水稻!
Before he retired, he hoped to grow rice in the sea!
7. 他從未停止工作,從未退休。
He never stopped working, never retired.
8. 許多人認為他們不能退休。
Many people believe they can't retire.
9. 超過一半的退休人員身體狀況適合工作。
Over half of the retirees are physically fit for work.
10. 許多退休人員透過減少支出來增加儲蓄。
Many retirees are increasing their savings by spending less.
退休(retire)是一種勞動保障制度,是現代社會重要的制度之一。根據國家有關規定,勞動者因年老或因工、因病致殘,完全喪失勞動能力(或部分喪失勞動能力)則可提出退休。 2022年2月21日,中國政府網釋出《國務院關於印發“十四五”國家老齡事業發展和養老服務體系規劃的通知》,提出儘快實現企業職工基本養老保險全國統籌。實施漸進式延遲法定退休年齡。
動詞 retire; go into retirement
1. 他退休後搞起了園藝。
He took to gardening in his retirement.
2. 我父親雖已退休但仍做些義務工作。
Although he has retired, my father still does some voluntary work.
3. 遞交退休申請
submit a retirement application
4. 退休制度
retirement system
5. 退休職工
retired worker
6. 提前退休
retire early
7. 辦理退休手續
go through the retirement formalities