真相的英文 真相用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-13



facts n.事實;(犯罪)行為;(fact的複數)

常用 權威



1. 知道真相

know the truth

2. 澄清真相

clarify the truth

3. 判明真相

ascertain the truth

4. 找出真相

search out the truth

5. 不明真相

be unaware of the facts; be ignorant of the truth; not know the truth of the matter/the true facts

6. 透露真相

reveal the truth

7. 披露真相

reveal the truth

8. 隱藏真相

conceal the truth

9. 掩蓋真相

cover up the facts

10. 探悉真相

learn the truth

11. 歪曲真相

present a distorted picture

12. 揭露真相

lay bare the truth

13. 弄清事實真相

ascertain the true facts

14. 事件的真相

facts of an incident

15. 公開事實真相

make public the truth

16. 探知事實真相

learn the truth

17. 不問事實真相

ignore the facts

18. 知道全部真相

know the whole truth


1. 他質疑傳統觀念,尋找宇宙的真相

He questioned traditional ideas and looked for the truth of the universe.

2. 有些人本能地立即說出真相

Some people told the truth instantly and instinctively.

3. 告訴我們真相,但不要新增和誇大任何東西。

Tell us the truth, but add nothing and exaggerate (誇大) nothing.

4. 作為一名電視記者,告訴公眾真相是我的職責。

As a TV reporter , it's my duty to tell the truth to the public.

5. 這描述了本週許多美國人在揭露真相後的反應。

That describes the reaction of many Americans this week following revelations.

6. 他想知道真相,就問附近的教練為什麼會這樣。

Wanting to know the truth, he asked a trainer nearby why it was so.

7. 有些人會立即本能地說出真相。但其他人選擇撒謊。

Some people told the truth instantly and instinctively. But others opted to lie.

8. 這並不總是那麼容易,因為你的面色可能會說出真相

It's not always easy, because the color on your face may tell the truth.

9. 重要的不是真相,而是出版,出版本身幾乎成了目的。

What is important is not truth, but publication, which has become almost an end in itself.

10. 瞭解情況的真相很重要,但保持部落的一部分也很重要。

Understanding the truth of a situation is important, but so is remaining part of a tribe.



《真相》是由李依璠執導,高之立、李昭等擔任編劇,陳星旭、蓋玥希、許亞軍等主演的電視劇,於2021年10月14日在優酷懸疑劇場全網獨播。 該劇講述了兩人在協助檢察官查辦案件的過程中不斷成長,超越自我,最終走向成熟穩重,分別在各自崗位肩負起重任的故事。


《真相》是由王心慰執導並監製,關頌玲擔任編劇,楊怡、陳展鵬、黃浩然、唐詩詠、楊茜堯等主演,香港無線電視臺出品的TVB律政劇,於2011年6月27日在中國香港首播,2013年2月14日在安徽衛視播出。 該劇講述了一家名為Chamber的律師所,律師透過一個個專業案件的審訊、查證過程,讓觀眾看到青年律師所遭遇的各種人性衝突、心理的矛盾衝擊,以及案件背後隱藏的東西,從而帶出本劇的核心意義“看到的未必是真相”。 截止2011年7月29日,觀看人數接近226萬。



名詞 (naked) truth; facts; actual state of affairs; real/true situation

1. 真相終將大白。

The truth will out.

2. 真相大白。

The whole truth has come out. / The whole affair is now out in the open. / The truth has been brought into daylight. / The cat is out of the bag. / The truth about the matter has come to light. / The truth has (at last) been revealed.

3. 知道真相

know the truth

4. 隱藏真相

conceal the truth

5. 掩蓋真相

cover up the facts

6. 披露真相

reveal the truth

7. 弄清真相

clear up/arrive at the truth; get a true picture (of)

8. 澄清真相

clarify the truth

9. 查明真相

find (out) the truth; get at the truth

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