開門的英文 開門用英語怎麼說?
open/answer the door; do sth in an open-door way; (of a bank, store, etc) begin a day's business/operation
常用 權威
1. 開門見山
come straight to the point; without preamble; speak/write on a subject directly without beating about the bush
2. 開門紅
make a good start/beginning; get off to a good/flying start
3. 開門揖盜
open the door to robbers—invite disaster by letting in evil-doers; incur trouble upon oneself by letting in an evil person
4. 砸開門
force open a door
5. 開門七件事
seven necessities of life (i.e. firewood, rice, cooking oil, salt, soy, vinegar, and tea)
6. 連忙開門
hurry to open the door
7. 開門整風
open-door rectification of the work style
8. 應鈴聲去開門
answer the bell
1. 我打開門,迅速把相簿放了進去。
I opened the door and slipped the album inside.
2. 真倒黴,我丟了鑰匙,打不開門了。
Bad luck, I lose my key, and I can't open the door.
3. 史密斯先生手裡拿著蠟燭開門。
With a candle in his hand, Mr. Smith answered the door.
4. 除了星期一,它每天都開門。
It is open every day except Monday.
5. 現在健身房中午開門。
Now the gym opens at noon.
6. 每天早上開門的時候,小寶都會在那裡等我。
Every morning when I opened up, Xiaobao would be there waiting for me.
7. 當我到達時,我從車裡拿出籠子,伸出手臂打開門。
When I arrived, I got the cage out of the car and opened the door offering my arm.
8. 該店從上午9點到下午6點開門營業。
The store is open from 9 am to 6 pm.
9. 門鈴響了,保姆應聲去開門。
The maid answered the door when the doorbell rang.
10. 說話時要開門見山,不要那些套話、空話。
Come straight to the point when you speak. All the clichés and empty words should be done away with.
開門(錢幣學名詞)亦叫“ 開門見山”,古玩圈行話,即是對一件古玩的認可。
動詞 open/answer the door
1. 門鈴響了,保姆應聲去開門。
The maid answered the door when the doorbell rang.
2. 媽,快開門!我回來了!
Mom, open up! I'm home.
3. 不要給陌生人開門。
Don't open the door to strangers.
動詞 do sth in an open-door way
1. 開門辦館/辦學
run a library/school in an open-door way
動詞 (of a bank, store, etc) begin a day's business/operation
1. 圖書館什麼時候開門?
When does the library open?
2. 該店從上午9點到下午6點開門營業。
The store is open from 9 am to 6 pm.