偏愛的英文 偏愛用英語怎麼說?
be partial to 偏袒;偏愛;偏...
常用 權威
1. 偏愛男生
show favour to boy students
2. 偏愛甜食
have a sweet tooth
3. 偏愛偵探小說
prefer detective stories to others
1. 他們偏愛來自其成員國的科學家。
They favour scientists from its member countries.
2. 他們偏愛較低的溫度。
They tend to favor lower temperatures.
3. 英國詩人中,他偏愛拜倫的詩歌。
Of the English poets, he has a preference for Byron.
4. 父母不應該偏愛任何一個孩子。
Parents shouldn’t be partial to any of their children. / Parents should not show a partiality for any of their children.
5. 這個電視系列片得到了老年朋友的偏愛。
The TV serial is favoured by the older people.
6. 父親一向偏愛喝生啤酒。
My father has always a partiality/weakness for draught beer.
7. 他明顯偏愛巴思·奧利弗。
He had a distinct partiality for Bath Olivers.
8. 他所偏愛的候選人。
[as adj. preferred]his preferred candidate.
9. 將近40%的人提出酸房子舞樂是自己的偏愛。
Nearly 40 per cent named acid house as their musical preference.
10. 她深思熟慮後決定顯示一種與大家同樂的愉快心情,而不顯露任何個人偏愛。
The end of her deliberation was to show general gaiety, without appropriate favour.
《偏愛》是一首國語流行歌曲,由葛大為作詞,陳偉作曲,張芸京演唱,釋出於2009年6月3日,收錄在專輯《破天荒》中。 《偏愛》是寫手葛大為在聽過張芸京為愛偏執的感情觀後,為張芸京量身創作的。這首歌到2009年底,在網路上的搜尋視聽量高達76402788次,張芸京也憑藉此曲獲得2009年“娛樂沸點”頒發的“年度十大金曲”獎。 《偏愛》是《仙劍奇俠傳3》的插曲之一。這首歌的專輯《破天荒》發行以來,一舉登上臺灣地區各大唱片銷量排行榜銷售冠軍的寶座,更一週內連續創下9項冠軍的神話記錄。
動詞 have partiality for; have a preference to; be partial to; be in favour of; show favouritism/preference to
1. 這個電視系列片得到了老年朋友的偏愛。
The TV serial is favoured by the older people.
2. 英國詩人中,他偏愛拜倫的詩歌。
Of the English poets, he has a preference for Byron.
3. 父親一向偏愛喝生啤酒。
My father has always a partiality/weakness for draught beer.
4. 父母不應該偏愛任何一個孩子。
Parents shouldn't be partial to any of their children. / Parents should not show a partiality for any of their children.
5. 偏愛偵探小說
prefer detective stories to others
6. 偏愛甜食
have a sweet tooth
7. 偏愛男生
show favour to boy students
8. 偏愛藍色
have a preference to blue colour