勸告的英文 勸告用英語怎麼說?
advise v.建議;推薦;通知
counsel n.建議;忠告;律師;法律顧問;諮詢;磋商
exhort v.敦促;激勵;勉勵;規勸
admonish v.勸告;告誡;責備;誠懇建議;力主;力勸;提醒…避免某事
urge v.力勸;懇求;鼓勵;強烈要求;激勵;竭力主張;使加快;使加速
advice n.勸告;意見;建議;訊息;正式通知;資訊
exhortation n.勸告;規勸
admonition n.警告;告誡;勸告
常用 權威
1. 明智的勸告
sensible advice
2. 再三勸告
advise repeatedly
3. 適時的勸告
timely advice
4. 語重心長的勸告
weighty and earnest advice
5. 直言不諱的勸告
plain-spoken admonition; frank advice
1. 他不願聽別人勸告,我行我素。
He would not listen to anyone; he took his own course.
2. 她勸告我不要這麼輕易地相信他的解釋。
She counselled me not to accept his explanation so readily.
3. 他後悔沒有聽從我的勸告。
He wished he had followed my advice.
4. 她根本不願意聽人的勸告。
She is not at all disposed to accept advice.
5. 事後勸告猶如人死用藥。
Advice after mischief is like medicine after death.
6. 他欣然接受了我的勸告。
He took my advice cheerfully.
7. 醫生勸告他不要吸菸。
The doctor admonished him against smoking. / The doctor advised him not to smoke.
8. 他剛愎自用,不聽勸告,結果栽了個大跟頭。
His perverse refusal to take any advice resulted in an awful blunder.
9. 他的勸告確保了她決定接受提議。
His advice cinched her decision to accept the offer.
10. 他按我的勸告把房子拿出來賣。
He took my advice and put his house up for sale.
勸告(英文:advise),讀音為quàn gào,漢語詞語,指的是拿道理勸人,也指勸人的話。例句有“他聽不進勸告,你不要再枉費口舌了”。 相關近義詞有勸諫、規勸、告誡,反義詞有誘惑、唆使。
動詞 advise; counsel; exhort; admonish; urge
1. 醫生勸告他不要吸菸。
The doctor admonished him against smoking. / The doctor advised him not to smoke.
2. 她勸告我不要這麼輕易地相信他的解釋。
She counselled me not to accept his explanation so readily.
3. 再三勸告
advise repeatedly
4. 誠摯地勸告
advise/counsel earnestly
名詞 advice; counsel; exhortation; admonition
1. 她根本不願意聽人的勸告。
She is not at all disposed to accept advice.
2. 他欣然接受了我的勸告。
He took my advice cheerfully.
3. 直言不諱的勸告
plain-spoken admonition; frank advice
4. 予以勸告
offer/give sb some advice; offer/give/provide counsel
5. 聽從勸告
act on/carry out/follow sb's advice; follow sb's counsel
6. 接受勸告
take/accept sb's advice
7. 不聽勸告
refuse/reject sb's advice
8. 不顧勸告
disregard/neglect sb's exhortations