破碎的英文 破碎用英語怎麼說?
crush v.壓碎;壓壞;壓傷;榨;碾碎;搗碎;使(布或紙)起皺;鎮壓;征服;使…極度失望
smash up 砸爛;搗毀;打破
shatter v.粉碎;砸碎;破壞;摧毀;使心煩意亂;使震驚;使精疲力竭
常用 權威
1. 破碎率
percentage of damage
2. 衝擊式破碎機
impact crusher
3. 破碎機
crusher; breaker
4. 礦石破碎機
ore crusher
5. 破碎試驗
crushing test
6. 破碎險
insurance against breakage; risk of breakage
7. 手搖破碎機
8. 圓錐破碎機
spindle breaker; cone crusher; gyratory cone crusher; rotary cone crusher
9. 臥式破碎機
horizontal crusher
10. 破碎礦石
crush ore
11. 支離破碎
be torn to pieces; be all broken up; be reduced to fragments; be fragmented/disconnected
12. 破碎強度
crushing strength
13. 破碎的玻璃
broken glass
14. 幾塊破碎衣片
a few tatters of clothing
15. 輥式破碎機
roll crusher
16. 一顆破碎的心
a broken heart
17. 把破碎的花瓶拼在一起
piece together a broken vase
1. 世界糧食安全逐漸變得支離破碎。
The world's food security falls to pieces.
2. 規範不斷演變,變得支離破碎。
Norms have evolved and fragmented.
3. 突然傳來了破碎聲。
There was a sudden crash(破碎聲).
4. 也許我可以用我破碎的心的碎片做一個鑲嵌畫。
Maybe I could make a mosaic (鑲嵌畫) by using the pieces of my broken heart.
5. 透過破碎的擋風玻璃,我鑽進卡車,開啟車門。
Through the broken windscreen, I got into the truck and opened the door.
6. 它不容易破碎。
It is not easily breakable.
7. 他們走近那輛車,看到一個女人正試圖從破碎的窗戶裡出去。
Approaching the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.
8. 這紙年代太久,一翻就破碎了。
The paper fell into pieces when it was turned because it was made a long time ago.
9. 主體不能揚棄自我的破碎方面。
Fragmented aspects of the self the subject is unable to sublate.
10. 他聽到玻璃破碎的嘩啦聲。
He heard the smash of glass.
破碎,讀音為pò suì,漢語詞語,指毀壞;破損碎裂。潰散。也指割裂;肢解。零碎殘缺。 還指毀滅;破滅。破成碎塊。例句為“戰爭讓大好河山變得支離破碎。” 近義詞為分裂、決裂、破損。反義詞為完好、完整。相關古文有《墨子·兼愛中》:“士開鼓音,破碎亂行,蹈火而死者,左右百人有餘。”
動詞 be broken; be tattered; come to pieces
1. 一顆破碎的心
a broken heart
2. 這紙年代太久,一翻就破碎了。
The paper fell into pieces when it was turned because it was made a long time ago.
3. 山河破碎。
The country went to rack and ruin.
4. 幾塊破碎衣片
a few tatters of clothing
5. 破碎的玻璃
broken glass
動詞 crush; smash up; shatter
1. 破碎礦石
crush ore