全部的英文 全部用英語怎麼說?
all predet., det. & pron.所有;全部;任何;儘可能;只;唯一;一切
whole adj.全部的;全體的;所有的;完整的;完全的;整個的;未經分割的;完好無損的;整塊的;健康的
entire adj.全部的;整個的;完全的;絕對的;未經閹割的;全緣的;邊緣光滑的
total adj.總的;全部的;所有的;完全的;絕對的
常用 權威
1. 安全部
ministry of security
2. 全部時間
all one's time
3. 全部拒付
refuse payment in full
4. 全部費用
overall cost; total expenditure
5. 全部人馬
all the troops;all the staff members
6. 全部收入
total income
7. 全部切除
total excision
8. 國土安全部
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)[US]
9. 全部付款收訖
received in full
10. 負全部責任
accept complete responsibility
11. 承擔全部責任
shoulder the total responsibility
12. 失掉全部家當
lose all one's property
13. 知道全部真相
know the whole truth
14. 耗盡全部收入
exhaust all one's income
15. 貢獻全部力量
contribute one's all (to)
16. 國家安全部
Ministry of State Security
1. 米蘭達已經對它們全部進行了複習。
Miranda has undertaken a review of all of them.
2. 嫦娥不肯交給他,拿走了全部。
Chang'e refused to give it to him and took it all.
3. 這本書缺了一頁,所以我不能瞭解全部情況。
One page of the book is missing, so I can't learn the whole story.
4. 這些孔不能全部排出。
The holes can't drain all of them.
5. 他們從事兼職工作,因為這是他們能得到的全部。
They take part-time work because this is all they can get.
6. 即便如此,僱主抱怨他們沒有得到所需的全部工人。
Even so, employers complain they aren't given all the workers they need.
7. 如果你想知道誰會買中杯蘇打水,答案是幾乎全部。
If you're wondering who would buy the medium soda, the answer is almost.
8. 這變成了一個崩潰的過程,一切都在加速,直到全部消失。
It becomes a breakdown process, where everything ends up accelerating until it's all gone.
9. 這些品牌鼓勵注重時尚的消費者每隔幾周就更新一次他們的全部衣服。
These labels encourage style-conscious consumers to renew their wardrobe every few weeks.
10. 五十歲以上的職工這次全部內退。
All the workers over 50 are retired before the normal retirement age this time.
詞語 全部 quán bù 形容詞 所有的;沒有例外
形詞 all; whole; entire; total
1. 這不是全部情況。
This is not the whole picture.
2. 我們應把全部精力投入到工作中去。
We should devote our entire energy to the work.
3. 手術難度很大,需要這位醫生拿出全部本領。
The difficult operation will require all the doctor's skill.
4. 讓我把全部情況告訴你。
Let me tell you the whole story. / Let me tell you everything that has happened.
5. 全部情況就這樣。
That's all there is to it.
6. 知道全部真相
know the whole truth
7. 設法瞭解全部情況
try to find out about the whole situation
8. 賠償全部損失
compensate the loss incurred in full
9. 目睹全部過程
see the entire process with one's own eyes
10. 貢獻全部力量
contribute one's all (to)
11. 承擔全部責任
shoulder the total responsibility
12. 全部收入
total income
13. 全部時間
all one's time
14. 全部費用
overall cost; total expenditure