有天賦的英文 有天賦用英語怎麼說?
be endowed by nature
常用 重點詞彙
1. 吳小暉說,他很少見過這麼有天賦的孩子。
Mr. Wu said he had seldom seen a child with so much talent.
2. 是啊,我聽說你是個很有天賦的鋼琴演奏家。
Yeah, I heard you're a talented piano player.
3. 所有的孩子在某種形式上都有天賦;訣竅是使它們能表現出來。
All children in some form have talents; the trick is to bring it out in them.
4. 他為自己有天賦的孩子而感到驕傲。
He took a genuine pride in his talented child.
5. 他比別的選手都更有天賦。
He possesses more talent than any other player.
6. 她是一個有天賦的高爾夫球手.
She is a gifted golfer.
7. 非所有的人生來都像你這樣有天賦。
Not everyone is born with such endowments as you.
8. 我認為李安是一個非常有
I think Ang Lee is a very talented director.
9. 人們為什麼認為馬在繪畫方面有天賦?
Why are horses considered talented in painting?
10. 她頑強、善良,並且有天賦。
She’s tenacious, kind and intuitive.
be endowed by nature