加的英文 加用英語怎麼說?
add v.增加;新增;加起來;補充一句;進一步說
put in 插嘴,插話;花費,投入;放進,放入;申請,要求;(船)停靠碼頭;入港
increase v.增長;增加;增進;增強
raise v.舉起;把…往上提;使升高;提高;增大;使被聽見;使被考慮;使得到討論;籌集;募集;養育;教養;使復活;解除;把…從窩裡趕出;刺激…生成
augment v.增大;增加
impose v.把… 強加;利用;把…拼版;實施;要求履行;要求付;要求接受;對…施加嚴格控制
常用 權威
1. 加鈣奶
calcium-fortified milk
2. 加標點
3. 加鹼裂解
alkaline splitting
4. 加填料
filling material
5. 加保費
additional premium (AP)
6. 加鉛汽油
leaded petrol;leaded gasoline
7. 加些許鹽
add a little salt
8. 小米加步槍
millet plus rifles
9. 把這些數目加起來
add up the figures
10. 給爐子加燃料
fire a furnace
11. 番茄加生菜三明治
tomato-and-lettuce sandwich
12. 給大衣加內襯
interline a coat
13. 把罪名加在我身上
charge me with the guilt
1. 賣的香蕉比蘋果和葡萄加起來還多。
More bananas are sold than apples and grapes together.
2. 我想要一杯加牛奶的咖啡。
I'd like a cup of coffee with milk, please.
3. 丹尼爾·加拉格爾是美國證券事務專員。
Daniel Gallagher is the Commissioner of the US Securities.
4. 然後加一些油和鹽。
Then add a little oil and salt.
5. 傑夫往盤子裡打了兩個雞蛋,又加了一些牛奶。
Jeff broke two eggs into a plate and added in some milk.
6. 你的名字一定是伊麗莎白·加拉格爾,有一本加拿大護照。
You must be named Elizabeth Gallahgher and have a Canadian passport.
7. 我們應當提倡苦幹加巧幹,避免蠻幹。
We should advocate working hard and intelligently and avoid doing things blindly.
8. 這項活動組織得快捷有效,給你加了分。
The event was arranged with a speed and efficiency that does you credit.
9. 天才無非是勞動加勤奮。
Genius is nothing but labour and diligence.
10. 本書再版時,體例照舊,只是加了些新資料。
The new edition of the book includes some latest data while its layout remains unchanged.
動詞 put one thing on top of another
動詞 add; put in
動詞 increase; raise; augment
動詞 impose
動詞 [used in the same way as加以, but usu after a monosyllabic adverb]
動詞 add