提出的英文 提出用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-16



put forward 提出

advance v.前進;借…給;進步;預付;提前支付;使…提前發生;加速…程序;促進(人;事業;計劃)的發展;提出;漲價

present adj.在場的;出席的;在座的;現在的;目前的;正在考慮的;正在討論的;存在的;現在時(態)的

propose v.提出;提議;建議;向某人求婚;推薦;提名;提交

raise v.舉起;把…往上提;使升高;提高;增大;使被聽見;使被考慮;使得到討論;籌集;募集;養育;教養;使復活;解除;把…從窩裡趕出;刺激…生成

pose v.形成;構成;擺出姿態;把…難住;使為難;冒充;裝腔作勢;假裝;賣弄;提出

常用 權威



1. 提出看法

present one's views

2. 提出指控

indict sb for sth;lodge charges (against sb)

3. 提出論據

put forward an argument

4. 提出質詢

present an interrogation

5. 提出抗辯

raise a plea

6. 提出上訴

lodge an appeal

7. 提出藉口

offer an excuse

8. 提出口號

put forward a slogan

9. 正式提出

formally present

10. 提出歸順

tender one's submission (to)

11. 提出控訴

file an appeal against

12. 重新提出申訴

renew one's complaints

13. 提出遺產要求

claim one's inheritance

14. 提出強硬抗議

lodge a strong protest

15. 提出嚴正抗議

lodge a stern protest

16. 提出不同見解

advance a different view

17. 提出嚴正交涉

lodge serious representations (with sb)

18. 提出新理論

advance a new theory

19. 提出響亮的口號

issue a strong call

20. 提出折中方案

suggest a compromise


1. 提出異議並認真聽取他們的回答。

Raise objections and listen carefully to their replies.

2. 他們提出了一套全新的設計程式。

They came up with a brand new set of design procedures.

3. 作為回應,我提出一個簡單的提議。

I offer a simple proposition in response.

4. 就在那時,曹衝提出了一個好辦法。

Just then, Cao Chong came up with a great idea.

5. 規定一套提出具體問題的規則。

Stipulating a set of rules for asking specific questions.

6. 我打算提出一個不穿鞋進教室的規定。

I were to propose a no-shoes-in-the-classroom rule.

7. 所有回答者都害怕提出高額費用索賠。

All respondents were afraid of making a high expense claim.

8. 給他/她寫封電子郵件,提出一些建議。

Write him/her an email to make some suggestions.

9. 人體是一臺能提出許多有趣問題的機器。

The human body is a machine that can raise lots of interesting questions.

10. 提出保護珊瑚海的新建議。

Make a new proposal to protect the Coral Sea.






動詞 put forward; advance; present; propose; raise; pose

1. 中國的對外開放政策是鄧小平提出來的。

It was Deng Xiaoping who proposed China's economic policy of opening to the outside world.

2. 有一點我想提出來。

There's one point I'd like to raise.

3. 現在提出任何異議已為時太晚。

It's too late to lodge/raise any objections.

4. 她提出新的證據。

She brought forth new evidence.

5. 兩國提出改善關係。

Both countries made overtures for better relations between them.

6. 正式提出

formally present

7. 提出指控

lodge charges (against sb)

8. 提出政治體制改革的任務

define the task of reforming the political structure

9. 提出折中方案

suggest a compromise

10. 提出意見

advance an opinion; make a criticism; make/offer a suggestion

11. 提出一系列整頓措施

formulate a series of rectification measures

12. 提出要求

make/present one's demands (on)

13. 提出修改和補充意見

propose amendments and addenda

14. 提出新理論

advance a new theory

15. 提出響亮的口號

issue a strong call

16. 提出問題

present sb with a problem; raise/pose a question

17. 提出挑戰

present/mount a challenge (to sb)

18. 提出上訴

lodge an appeal

19. 提出入團申請

put in/submit an application to join the Youth League; apply for Youth League membership

20. 提出論據

put forward an argument

21. 提出理由

bring forward/put forth a reason; furnish/advance a reason

22. 提出抗議

lodge/file/tender a protest

23. 提出看法

present one's views

24. 提出警告

give/issue a warning

25. 提出建議

put forward/put forth/advance/present/make a proposal; put forward/offer/make/present a suggestion

26. 提出計劃

put forward/present/propose a plan

27. 提出動議

put forward/propose/make a motion

28. 提出辭職

send in/submit one's resignation
