不尋常的英文 不尋常用英語怎麼說?
uncommon adj.不平常的;罕見的;異乎尋常大的
extraordinary adj.非凡的;非同尋常的;卓越的;反常的;特大的;專門(或特別)召集的;特派的;特命的
unusual adj.不平常的;少有的;與眾不同的;獨特的
常用 重點詞彙
1. 每個人都必須做一些不尋常的事情。
Everyone must do something unusual.
2. 他確實做了一件不尋常的事。
He did an unusual indeed.
3. 它是一個不
It is an unusual cross breed.
4. 學習技能,帶著新式的,不尋常的紡織品離開。
Learn skills and leave with modern and unusual textiles.
5. 這是一次不尋常的面試,也是一次意想不到的經歷。
It was an unusual interview, and an unexpected experience as well.
6. 發現皇家工兵部隊所戴的不尋常的帽子、便帽和頭盔!
Discover the unusual hats, caps and helmets worn by royal Engineers!
7. 但是,從歷史的角度來看,像我們這樣有數字意識的人是不尋常的。
But, in a historical sense, number-conscious people like us are the unusual ones.
8. 這種不尋常的雜交品種在20世紀90年代末開始在育種者中流行。
The unusual cross became popular among breeders at the end of the 1990s.
9. 但他在下午2點被一種不尋常的聲音驚醒,這種聲音不是來自他的羊群。
But he was awakened at 2 pm by an unusual sound that was not coming from his sheep.
10. 有時印象派畫家會在外面作畫,這在他們的時代是一種非常不尋常的想法。
Sometimes Impressionists worked outside, which was a very unusual thought in their time.
uncommon; extraordinary; unusual