有限的英文 有限用英語怎麼說?
limited adj.有限的;少的;小的;受憲法限制的;能力(或才華)有限的
finite adj.有限的;有限制的;有窮的;限定的;非無限小的
常用 權威
1. 有限元
finite element
2. 有限狀態機
finite-state machine (FSM)
3. 有限責任
limited liability
4. 有限論
5. 場地有限
space is limited
6. 有限公司
limited company; limited liability company (LTD)
7. 才力有限
be of limited capacity
8. 財力有限
limited financial resources;financially limited
9. 有限差分
finite difference
10. 數量有限
limited in number
11. 能力有限
limited in one's ability
12. 有限函式
finite function
13. 有限合夥
limited partnership
14. 有限准入
managed access
15. 交往有限
have limited contact (with sb)
16. 有限花序
definite inflorescence
17. 有限級數
finite series
18. 有限矩陣
finite matrix
19. 有限數學
finite mathematics
20. 有限小數
finite decimal
1. 許多中國人接觸英語的機會有限。
Many people in China have limited exposure to English.
2. 大多數人的能量來源往往是有限的。
Most people tend to have a finite source of energy.
3. 部分原因是機場的安檢通道空間有限。
Part of the issue is that airports have only so much room for screening lanes.
4. 將英國有限的資源集中在文化活動上。
Focus Britain's limited resources on cultural events.
5. 人類細胞的繁殖能力有限。
Human cells have a limited reproductive ability.
6. 畢竟,水資源是有限的。
After all , water resource is limited.
7. 我們對問題和解決方案的感知變得非常有限。
Our perception of the problem and of what the solution is becomes very limited.
8. 我們有限的划船技術讓我們有理由嘲笑自己。
Our limited row-boating skills gave us reasons to laugh at ourselves.
9. 在有限的方面,也許經濟衰退會讓社會變得更好。
In limited respects, perhaps the recession will leave society better off.
10. 時間是有限的,你年齡越大,時間似乎流逝得越快。
Time is finite, the older you get, the quicker it seems to go.
形詞 limited; finite
1. 選擇非常有限。
The choice was very limited.
2. 我自知能力有限,難當此重任。
I cannot shoulder such a great responsibility; I know my own limits.
3. 我幫你的辦法很有限。
I'm limited in ways to help you.
4. 數量有限,欲購從速。
Quantities are limited, so order early.
5. 名額有限。
There is a fixed number of quotas.
6. 一個人的知識是有限的。
There is a limit to one's knowledge.
7. 有限的資源
limited/finite resources
8. 文化水平有限
have had little schooling
9. 數量有限
limited in number
10. 能力有限
limited in one's ability
11. 財力有限
financially limited