富裕的英文 富裕用英語怎麼說?
affluent adj.有錢的;富裕的;暢流;滔滔流動
rich adj.有錢的;富的;豐饒的;豐富的;盛產的;豐產的;(話語)逗人的;荒唐的;使人氣憤的
well-off 小康;富裕
well-to-do adj.富裕的;富有的;繁榮的
enrich v.改善…的質量;充實;使豐富;使…富裕;增加…的營養價值;強化;豐富…的內容;使(同位素)濃縮
常用 權威
1. 共同富裕
common prosperity
2. 景況富裕
be in affluent circumstances
3. 富裕家庭
wealthy family
4. 富裕人家
well-to-do family
5. 達到共同富裕
achieve common prosperity
6. 富裕的國家
country of affluence
7. 過相對富裕的生活
live a relative affluent life
1. 改造市中心區使其吸引更富裕的人群。
Transforming downtown areas makes them appeal to a more affluent demographic.
2. 約翰成年後,比他兒時的玩伴更加富裕。
When John reached adulthood, he was better off than his childhood playmates.
3. 富裕國家的農業收成下降。
Agricultural harvests in rich countries fall.
4. 富裕國家在解決森林砍伐問題上無所作為。
Rich countries are doing little to address deforestation.
5. 工薪階層和富裕家庭的育兒之道都有優點。
Parenting approaches of working-class and affluent families both have advantages.
6. 更富裕的孩子最終進入大學,走向中產階級。
The more affluent children end up in college and on the way to the middle class.
7. 對比之下,在許多富裕國家,道路變得更加安全。
In many rich countries, by contrast, roads are becoming even safer.
8. 伽利略的家庭並不富裕,但他的父母出錢讓他上學。
The family was not wealthy, but Galileo's parents paid for him to go to school.
9. Yogman還擔心壓力會擠壓更多富裕孩子的遊戲時間。
Yogman also worries about the pressures that squeeze playtime for more affluent kids.
10. 即便如此,這些富裕的家庭還是會與國際1%的富人聚會。
Even so, these are wealthy families who party with the international 1%.
富裕(英文:affluent),拼音:fù yù,漢語詞語,釋義為經濟寬裕、富足,例句有“揚民族自尊,建共同富裕”。 相關古文有“ 彥卿復掘地,獲銀數千兩,遂致富裕雲。”宋朝徐鉉《稽神錄·蔡彥卿》,相關近義詞有闊綽、充實、充盈,反義詞有拮据、清貧、貧乏。
形詞 affluent; rich; well-off; well-to-do
1. 農民逐漸富裕起來了。
Farmers are getting better-off gradually.
2. 富裕的國家
country of affluence
3. 走共同富裕的道路
take the road of common prosperity
4. 過富裕的生活
live an affluent life; live in affluence; lead a life of abundance
5. 達到共同富裕
achieve common prosperity
動詞 enrich
1. 發展生產,富裕人民
increase production and enrich the people