預測的英文 預測用英語怎麼說?
calculate v.計算;核算;打算;計劃;猜想;相信;認為;判斷;預期;指望
forecast v.預測;預報
predict v.斷言;預言;預計;預卜
常用 權威
1. 預測值
predictive value (PV)
2. 預測天氣
forecast the weather (for)
3. 人口預測
population projection
4. 預測性維修
predictive maintenance
5. 銷售預測
sales forecasting;sales forecasting
6. 不可預測
7. 無法預測
be unpredictable
8. 經濟預測
economic forecast/prediction
9. 預測礦藏量
ore expectant
10. 商情預測
business forecasting
11. 價格預測
price projection
12. 宏觀預測
13. 科學預測
scientific forecasting
14. 動態預測
performance prediction/forecasting/projection
15. 預測精度
forecast accuracy
16. 盈利預測
earnings estimate
17. 市場預測
market forecast/forecasting
18. 統計預測
statistical forecast; statistical projections
19. 成本預測
cost forecast
20. 長期預測
long-term forecast
1. 它的預測模型已經測試了12年。
Its prediction model has been tested for 12 years.
2. 預測過程中涉及的潛在風險。
Anticipating potential risks involved in the process.
3. 它們被設計來執行非常可預測的活動。
They are designed to perform very predictable activities.
4. 我奶奶迷信,她認為夢可以預測未來。
My grandmother is superstitious, and she thinks dreams can predict the future.
5. 新系統有效地預測了遙遠地區的閃電。
The new system has effectively predicted lightning in faraway areas.
6. 實踐中機器行為的可預測性。
The predictability of machine behavior in practice.
7. 施維茨蓋貝爾預測干預不會有任何效果。
Schwitzgebel predicted the intervention would have no effect.
8. 預測一個人需要多少現金是極其困難的。
It is incredibly hard to predict how much cash one is going to need.
9. 但是還沒有一個系統能夠有效地預測閃電。
But no system has been created to effectively predict lightning.
10. 現在,他們可以對未來兩週做出良好的預測。
Now they can make good forecasts for about two weeks.
動詞 calculate; forecast; predict; make a forecast/projection
1. 專家預測股票行情將有上升趨勢。
Experts have forecast an upturn in stock prices.
2. 我們必須預測她下一步的行動。
We must try to predict what she will do next.
3. 我們必須更準確地預測公司的就業需要。
We need to project the company's employment needs better.
4. 該公司預測可銷售3,000架飛機。
The company has projected sales of 3,000 aircraft.
5. 統計預測
statistical forecast; statistical projections
6. 銷售預測
sales forecasting
7. 市場預測
market predictions/forecasting
8. 利潤/經濟/商情預測
profit/economic/business forecast
9. 價格預測
price projection
10. 定量/定性預測
quantitative/qualitative forecasting
11. 成本預測
cost forecast
12. 長期預測
long-term forecast
13. 悲觀的預測
dark/pessimistic predictions (about)
14. 證實預測
support/prove the prognosis
15. 無法預測
be unpredictable
16. 預測未來
predict/forecast the future
17. 預測天氣
forecast the weather (for)
18. 預測颱風
forewarn a typhoon
19. 預測日蝕/月蝕
calculate an eclipse of the sun/moon