量體溫的英文 量體溫用英語怎麼說?
take sb's temperature
take sb's temperature
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我來給她量體溫。
I'll take her temperature.
2. 醫生給病人量體溫的一個原因是避免將來被人指控工作疏忽而要求索賠。
One reason doctors take temperatures is to cover themselves against negligence claims.
3. 開大點,這樣我就能給你量體溫
Open wide so I can take your temperature.
4. 目的尋找一種簡單準確、損傷小的測量體溫的方法。
Objective To seek a simple, accurate and non-invasive method of measuring body temperature.
5. 你量體溫了嗎?
Have you taken your temperature?
6. 要準確測量體溫,每次使用前用新的,乾淨的探測頭。
To get an accurate measurement use a new , clean lens filter before each measurement.
7. 耳朵溫度計採用紅外光束, 而不是水銀來測量體溫.
Ear thermometers use an infrared beam to detect temperature, rather than mercury.
8. 他們就是希望所有的學生都能好好地照顧自己,定期測量體溫。
They hope all the students should take care of themselves and measure their body temperature regularly.
9. 第一次進行放生訓練的熊貓幼崽首先要用一種特殊的裝置測量體溫。
This panda cub, the first to be trained for reintroduction, gets its body temperature checked by researchers at the facility.
10. 我四處忙碌著要照看好每個孩子:測量體溫,餵食,換尿布我感到越來越疲憊。
I grew wearier as I scurried around, trying to care for each child: thermometers, juice, diaper.
take sb's temperature