幾本書的英文 幾本書用英語怎麼說?
a few books
1. 他的父親是一名醫生,寫了幾本書。
His father was a doctor who wrote several books.
2. 這幾本書是關於如何提高語言技能的。
These books are concerned with how to improve language skills.
3. 她把幾本書寄放在我這兒。
She left a number of books with me/in my keeping.
4. 桌上有一隻筆,一把刀和幾本書。
There is a pen , a knife and several books on the desk.
5. 父:那你數一數書架上有幾本書呢?
Father: Then, Can you count those books on the shelf?
6. 他深情地環視著他的那幾本書。
He glanced affectionately about him at his few books
7. 讀幾本書、去購購物、休個假。
Go shopping. Take a vacation.
8. 我從Tony那裡借了幾本書.
I borrowed several books from Tony.
9. 他想看會兒電視或者讀幾本書。
He wants either to watch TV or read books.
10. 隨便讀許多書不如細細地讀幾本書.
It is better to read a few books carefully than to read many at random.