衝的英文 衝用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-25


thoroughfare n.通路;通衢;大道;大街;幹道

important place 重要地位

opposition n.反抗;抵抗;反對;對立;在野黨;相對;敵手;對手;反對黨;衝

charge v.要;收;要(人)支付;指責;控告;使承擔;給(電池;電池裝置)充電;衝鋒;飾紋章於;衝

rush v.衝;奔;(使)倉促行事;匆忙行事;突襲;招待;爭取;敲…竹槓;故意多收…的費用;向…漫天索價;趕緊;催促

dash v.快跑;急奔;疾馳;猛擊;猛擲;衝擊;撞擊;打擊;使(某人的希望或期望)破滅;受挫

dart n.鏢;縫合褶;(Dart)人名:達特

soar v.高飛;翱翔;劇增;滑翔

skyrocket n.沖天火箭

shoot up 注射毒品;給…注射毒品

clash n.對抗;衝突;顏色搭配不當;不湊巧;刺耳的金屬碰撞聲;不和;體育賽事

collide v.碰撞;衝突;牴觸

rinse v.用清水漂洗…上的肥皂;用清水沖洗;漱;漂洗掉

flush v.發紅;變紅;沖洗;把(獵鳥;動物)趕出隱藏地;綻出新芽;嵌平;沖掉;使(人的皮膚或臉)發紅;發燙;發光

wash v.洗;沖洗;沖掉;沖走;粉刷;塗刷;塗顏料於;站得住腳;經得起檢驗

counterbalance n.平衡力;抗衡力;均衡力;抵消因素;制約力

counteract v.對抗;阻礙;抵制;抵消;中和

offset n.彌補;抵消;偏離量;偏離距離;側枝;短匐莖;壁階;彎管;平版印刷;膠印

cancel out 取消;抵消;消除

reprimand n.訓斥;斥責

rebuke v.指責;叱責;訓斥

denounce v.譴責;公開指責;告發

stamp v.跺;用踩;在(表面;物體;檔案)上蓋印;貼郵票於;搗碎;壓碎;表現出;碾平;跺掉

punch v.猛擊;按;趕;用打孔器在(金屬、紙張、皮革等)上打孔;推;輸入資訊;用打孔器打

face n.臉;面孔;面;表面;表情;方面;臉色;面容;展示

resistless adj.不可抗拒的;按捺不住的;不抵抗的;無力抵抗的

powerful adj.強大的;強有力的;大功率的;效力大的;有影響力的;影響大的

vigorous adj.充滿活力的;精力充沛的;精力旺盛的;犀利的;用力的;體力的;有力的;茁壯的

pungent adj.有刺激性氣味的;辣的;辛辣的;尖刻的;尖銳的

towards prep.向;朝著;對;關於;為;有助於;用於;接近達到;接近;將近

to prep.向;朝;往;到;對;跟;與;屬於;附於;歸於;對於;關於;使;比;記入

on the strength of 基於;依據;憑藉

on the basis of phr.在某事的基礎上;基於;依據;根據

because of 由於, 因為

owing to 由於

常用 權威



1. 衝藕粉

prepare some lotus root paste

2. 衝馬桶

flush the toilet

3. 說話衝

speak bluntly


1. 水碓現在有20多個家庭作坊。

Shuduichong now has more than 20 family workshops.

2. 鬧鐘一響,我就起床了個澡。

The minute the alarm clock went off, I got up and took a quick shower.

3. 這次旅行是沿著小平寨→ 康棉→ 水堆的路線進行的。

The trip followed the way of Xiaopingzhai→ Kangmian→ Shuiduichong.

4. 他從書本上抬起頭,我笑了一下。

He lifted his eyes from the book and smiled at me.

5. 那話是他說的。

That remark was aimed/directed/meant as a shot at him.

6. 他我打手勢。

He gestured at me.

7. 我只不過是說天氣不好,可他卻無緣無故我來了火。

I just said that the weather was not good, but he flared out at me for no reason at all.

8. 雨下得很

It’s raining thick and fast. / It’s raining hard.

9. 這藥味兒

The medicine has a strong smell.

10. 因為我移動了檔案,他我發脾氣。

He grumped at me when I moved the papers.






名詞 thoroughfare; important place

動詞 charge; rush; dash; dart

動詞 soar; skyrocket; shoot up; rise rapidly

動詞 clash; collide

動詞 rinse; flush; wash

動詞 pour boiling water on

動詞 counterbalance; counteract; offset; cancel out

名詞 opposition

名詞 stretch of flatland in a hilly area

形詞 (of the flow of water) relentless; resistless; powerful

1. 雨下得很衝。

It's raining thick and fast. / It's raining hard.

形詞 vigorous; with vim and vigour; with plenty of dash

1. 他批評的語氣很衝。

His criticism is harsh and blunt.

2. 說話衝

speak bluntly

形詞 (of smell) strong; pungent; sharp-tasting

1. 這藥味兒衝。

The medicine has a strong smell.

2. 硫磺的味兒很衝。

The smell of sulfur is pungent.

動詞 reprimand; rebuke; denounce

1. 他一說話就沖人。

He never speaks without reprimand.

動詞 stamp; punch

1. 在鋼板上衝一個孔

punch a hole in a steel plate

2. 剛衝出來的鑰匙

newly-stamped key

動詞 face; front (on/onto)

1. 花園背面衝著湖。

My garden backs on(to) a lake.

2. 房子衝著大海。

The house fronts on the sea.

3. 窗戶衝著南面。

The window faces/fronts/looks south.

介詞 towards; to

1. 有氣別衝我撒呀!

Don't vent your anger on me!

2. 她背衝牆站著。

She stood with her back to the wall.

3. 他衝著我的下巴打了一拳。

He aimed a punch at my jaw.

4. 那話是衝他說的。

That remark was aimed/directed/meant as a shot at him.

5. 衝西走

go west/westward

介詞 on the strength of; on the basis of; because of; owing to

1. 我是衝著你的保證才做那件事兒的。

I did it on the strength of your promise.

2. 衝著咱們的老交情,我答應這麼做。

For old times'sake, I promise you to do it.

3. 衝著他們這股子幹勁兒,沒有克服不了的困難。

With such drive, there's no difficulty they cannot overcome.

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