將軍的英文 將軍用英語怎麼說?
put sb on the spot phr.(故意提出難以回答或尷尬的問題)使某人難堪
embarrass v.使尷尬;使窘;陷入經濟困境;拮据;妨礙;使困難重重;使複雜化
challenge n.挑戰;異議;質疑;激發免疫反應;免疫系統與病原體的接觸;考驗;求勝心;口令盤問;暗號盤問;反對
general adj.全體的;總的;普遍的;大體的;全面的;首席的;主要的;一般的;常規的;通常的
常用 權威
1. 將軍肚
pot-belly; big belly; beer belly
2. 三星將軍
three-star general
3. 常勝將軍
ever-victorious/unbeatable general
4. 鐵將軍把門
the door is padlocked
5. 矮子裡拔將軍
choose a general from among the dwarfs—pick the best out of a mediocre bunch
6. 智勇雙全的將軍
brave and sagacious general
7. 為將軍的回憶錄捉刀
ghost the general's memoirs
8. 瓦罐不離井上破,將軍難免陣中亡
the dog that kills wolves is killed by wolves; live by the sword, die by the sword
1. 但在同一幅畫中,她錯誤地將軍蟻和切葉蟻混為一談。
But in the same drawing, she incorrectly lumped together army and leaf-cutter ants.
2. \太好了!你正是我要找的人,\將軍非常高興地說。
\Great! You are the very man I'm looking for,\ the general said in great joy.
3. 她是第一個被任命為將軍的婦女。
She was the first woman to be commissioned general.
4. 戰鬥取得勝利後,將軍論功行賞。
Having won the battle, the general awarded his soldiers according to their contributions.
5. 將軍把他的軍隊沿鐵路作縱深配置。
The general disposed his troops in depth along the railway line.
6. 入伍不久她就被派到將軍身邊工作。
She was sent to work for the general soon after she joined the army.
7. 老將軍身經百戰,無所畏懼。
The old general is battle-seasoned,so he fears nothing.
8. 將軍住在招待所時,他們派哨兵護衛。
They had sentries guard the guest house when the army general stayed there.
9. 將軍命令他計程車兵向前挺進。
The general ordered/commanded his troops to advance. / The general ordered/commanded that his troops (should) advance.
10. 將軍帶著一大批跟隨大踏步走了過去。
The general strode past with a large retinue. / The general strode past, followed by a large retinue entourage.
《將·軍》是由郭靖宇、柏杉聯合執導,郭靖宇擔任編劇,楊志剛、陳數、魏子等主演的抗戰類電視劇,於2010年11月1日在中國內地播出,2011年9月23日在山東衛視、雲南衛視、黑龍江衛視、江西衛視播出。 該劇講述了曾經貴為公子哥的虞小白(楊志剛 飾)因莫須有的罪名家破人亡,他跟著家奴許大膽倉皇逃生,並報了殺父之仇,二人結為患難兄弟從此闖蕩江湖,多年後,一場中日之間的象棋大賽又把兄弟兩人拽到了一起,虞小白和許大膽,用他們的生命譜成了蕩氣迴腸的英雄史詩的故事。
動詞 check (in chess)
null詞 put sb on the spot; embarrass; challenge
名詞 general
名詞 high-ranking military officer