相互的英文 相互用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-21



each other 相互;互相;彼此

one another 彼此

mutually adv.相互;彼此

reciprocally adv.相互地;相反地;互惠地

mutual adj.相互的;彼此的;共同的;共有的;彼此有相同關係的;互動的;各成員共有並共享利益的

reciprocal adj.回報的;報答的;答謝的;互惠的;對等的;相互補償的;反向的;倒數的;互反的;互逆的

shared adj.共享的;共用的

returned v.回應;返回;回報;歸還;(return的過去式和過去分詞)

常用 權威



1. 相互潑水

splash water over each other

2. 相互妥協

meet each other halfway

3. 相互告語

tell each other sth

4. 相互遷徙


5. 相互埋怨

blame one another

6. 相互衝突

conflict with each other

7. 相互欺騙

cheat each other

8. 相互抵消

cancel each other out

9. 相互關心

reciprocal consideration

10. 相互勾結

conspire with each other

11. 相互牴觸

contradict each other

12. 相互慰藉

console each other

13. 相互微笑

exchange smiles

14. 相互偎依

snuggle up to each other

15. 相互為用

reinforce each other

16. 相互忍讓

have forbearance for each other

17. 相互勸勉

help and encourage each other

18. 相互參照

cross reference

19. 相互畏忌

be suspicious of each other

20. 相互競爭

compete with each other


1. 它把不同植物的根相互連線起來。

It links the roots of different plants to each other.

2. 這項活動將使團隊成員相互瞭解。

This activity will allow team members to learn about each other.

3. 我們都獲得了相互尊重和理解。

We all gain mutual respect, and understanding.

4. 他們能夠理解人與自然的相互關係。

They can understand the interrelations of man and nature.

5. 社交媒體上相互信任的積累。

The Accumulation of Mutual Trust on Social Media.

6. 相互理解和學習是很重要的。

It's important to understand and learn from each other.

7. 美國和加拿大可以相互學習。

The United States and Canada can learn from each other.

8. 公司現在正在研究基因如何相互作用。

Firms are now studying how genes interact.

9. 不同民族之間的相互影響。

The interplay of the varied national groups upon one another.

10. 這一領域的研究發現了相互矛盾的結果。

Studies in this area have found conflicting results.



相互(英文:mutual),讀音xiāng hù,漢語詞語,意思指兩相對待的;彼此之間的。例句為“他們兄弟倆難捨難分,相互說著勉勵的話”。 近義詞為相與、彼此、互相,反義詞為獨立,相關句子有“雖然我們交談的時間有限,可是我們還是增進了相互的瞭解”。出自巴金《友誼的海洋》。



副詞 each other; one another; mutually; reciprocally

1. 物質和能量可以相互轉換。

Matter and energy are interconvertible.

2. 我們原來相互對立的觀點開始趨於一致。

Our previously opposed views are beginning to converge.

3. 兩個孩子相互換了棒球帽子。

The two boys exchanged their baseball caps.

4. 他們相互厭惡對方。

They have a reciprocal loathing for each other.

5. 相互通訊多年

correspond with each other for years

6. 相互依賴

depend/rely on each other

7. 相互學習

learn from each other

8. 相互為用

reinforce each other

9. 相互排斥

repel each other; be mutually exclusive

10. 相互扭打

pitch into/grapple with each other

11. 相互競爭

compete with each other

12. 相互關聯

correlate with/to; be correlative; be related/connected to each other; be interrelated

13. 相互抵消

cancel each other out

14. 相互打量

size each other up; look at each other up and down

15. 相互猜疑

be suspicious of each other

16. 相互補充

mutual complementation

17. 相互幫助/包庇/尊敬

help/shield/respect each other

形詞 mutual; reciprocal; shared; returned

1. 這幾篇文章相互間沒有多大聯絡。

The essays do not interrelate very adequately.

2. 他們的夥伴關係建立在相互尊重、相互信任和相互理解的基礎上。

Their partnership was based on mutual respect, trust and understanding.

3. 兩國達成了相互貿易協議。

The two countries reached a reciprocal trade agreement.

4. 歷史事件間的相互關係

interrelations of historical events

5. 改善相互間的關係

improve the mutual relations (between)

6. 相互關心

reciprocal consideration

“相同點” “不同點” 用日語怎麼說? ?