體驗的英文 體驗用英語怎麼說?
experience n.經歷;感受;經驗;給人留下印象的事
taste n.味道;味;滋味;口味;味覺;品位;感受;情趣;愛好;體會
常用 權威
1. 切身體驗
personal experience; first-hand experience;personal experience
2. 瀕死體驗
near-death experience
3. 體驗失重
experience weightlessness
4. 體驗營銷
experiential marketing
5. 使用者體驗
user experience (UE)
6. 體驗到死亡的恐懼
taste the fear of death
7. 體驗實際的人生
experience real life
1. 許多年輕人從未體驗過家庭生活。
Lots of young people have never experienced home-life.
2. 當然,速度對得來速體驗至關重要。
Speed, of course, is essential to the drive-through experience.
3. 我們為期3天的教學體驗課程!
Our 3-day Teaching Taster Course !
4. 重要的是我們對花園的體驗。
It's our experience of the garden that matters.
5. 相反,它改變了我們內心體驗的強度。
Rather, it changes the intensity of our inner experience.
6. 這對我們一家來說是一次美好的體驗。
This has been a wonderful experience for our family.
7. 這讓我的孩子有了幫助別人的美好體驗。
It gave my kids the sweet taste of helping others.
8. 和他們一起做志願者是一種很好的體驗。
It is a good experience to volunteer with them.
9. 人們不再只想要物質,他們想要體驗生活。
People don't just want material things anymore, they want to experience life.
10. 他們喜歡這種感覺,想要儘可能多地體驗它。
They love this feeling and want to experience it as often as possible.
動詞 learn through practice; learn through personal experience; experience; taste
1. 作家到群眾中去體驗生活。
Writers go into the masses to observe and learn from real life.
2. 我體驗到了讀書的樂趣。
I savoured the pleasure of reading.
3. 她初次體驗到大城市的生活。
She had the first taste of life in a big city.
4. 他現在深深地體驗到這種工作的艱辛。
He now thoroughly understands the hardships involved in the work.
5. 體驗快樂/痛苦/艱辛
experience pleasure/pain/hardships
6. 體驗到死亡的恐懼
taste the fear of death
名詞 experience; knowledge from personal experience
1. 切身體驗
personal experience; first-hand experience