剛才的英文 剛才用英語怎麼說?
just now 此時, 此刻, 眼下
a moment ago 片刻前;剛才;一會前
常用 權威
1. 剛才攪拌機是用來做香蕉奶昔的。
The blender was used for making a banana milk shake just now.
2. 我剛才看見愛麗絲走進那幢大樓。
I saw Alice walk into that building just now.
3. 我們突然記不起剛才把鑰匙放在哪裡了。
We suddenly can't remember where we put the keys just a moment ago.
4. 瑪麗剛才關上了窗,這樣昆蟲就進不來了。
Mary shut the window just now so that she could keep the insects out.
5. 格林先生剛才給我們講了一個非常激動人心的故事。
Mr. Green told us a very exciting story just now.
6. 剛才發生的事我一點兒都不知道。
I know nothing about what happened just now.
7. 我剛才在順著自己的思路想問題。
I was following a train of thought of my own.
8. 我覺得他剛才說的話不大對味兒。
What he said just now didn’t sound quite right to me.
9. 剛才他不過是耍耍態度而已。
That was just a little show of bad temper.
10. 邪門兒了,她剛才還好好的。
It’s strange. She was quite well a moment ago.
剛才,讀音為ɡānɡ cái ,漢語詞語,指僅僅;只;不久以前。例句為“走著走著,他想起剛才看的電影裡敲梆老頭被害的情景”。 近義詞為剛剛、方才、適才。反義詞為以後。相關句子有茅盾《林家鋪子》:“剛才鄙東吩咐過,他得的信,這次的亂子恐怕要鬧大,叫我們收緊盤子。”
副詞 just now; a moment ago
1. 她剛才還在哭呢。
She was crying a short while ago.
2. 她比剛才感覺好一點兒了。
She's feeling a little better than she was a moment ago.
3. 剛才我還見過他。
I saw him just now.
4. 剛才發生的事我一點兒都不知道。
I know nothing about what happened just now.