在下午的英文 在下午用英語怎麼說?
in the afternoon 下午;在下午;午後
常用 重點詞彙
1. 但他在下午2點被一種不尋常的聲音驚醒,這種聲音不是來自他的羊群。
But he was awakened at 2 pm by an unusual sound that was not coming from his sheep.
2. 白天,最熱的時候在下午2點到4點之間,這段時間氣溫能上升到33攝氏度。
During the day, the hottest time is between 2 pm and 4 pm when temperatures rise to 33℃.
3. 出發時間定在下午三點。
The time of departure is fixed at 3 pm.
4. 事故發生在下午3點30分左右。
The accident occurred at about 3.30P.M.
5. 讓她在下午剩下的時間裡忙個不停的工作。
[as adj. occupied]tasks which kept her occupied for the remainder of the afternoon.
6. 參與鍛鍊的時間主要集中在下午。
The time of sport practice is mainly concentrated in the afternoon.
7. 這會讓你在下午工作時效率提高。
This makes you more efficient in the afternoon especially.
8. 我要出去,大概在下午5點鐘回來。
I'm going out, I will be back at five o'clock p.m.
9. 在下午,我們打算一起去公園。
In the afternoon, we are going to the park together.
10. 這個地區的市場在下午最繁忙。
The market in the country is busiest in the afternoon.
in the afternoon