有時間的英文 有時間用英語怎麼說?
have the time 能有時間
常用 重點詞彙
1. 它允許有時間進行實驗和遊戲。
It allows time to experiment and play.
2. 你必須調整你的優先事項,以便有時間做飯。
You must adjust your priorities to find time to cook.
3. 我們都儘可能早地到達,以便我們有時間熱身。
We all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to warm up.
4. 如果我等到有時間(才寫小說),我會一直在寫小說的等待中度過。
If I had waited to have the time, I would still be waiting to write my novel.
5. 經理在上半天有時間。
The manager will be free in the morning.
6. 這本書我前幾天又讀了一遍,以後有時間還要再讀一遍。
I read the book once again a few days ago and plan to read it a third time later when I can afford the time.
7. 人人都需要有時間停下來放鬆一下。
Everyone needs down time to unwind.
8. 多年前他也有段時間想要她。
There had been a time, years ago, when he had desired her.
9. 傑西有時間去逛購物中心。
Jessie had time to go malling.
10. 讓你有時間拿定主意的一個很長的婚約期。
A good long engagement to give you time to be sure.
have the time