合格的英文 合格用英語怎麼說?
qualified adj.有資格的;合格的;有限制的;有保留的
up to standard 達標;達到標準
常用 權威
1. 合格證
certificate of inspection/quality
2. 合格率
acceptance rate
3. 合格教師
qualified teacher
4. 合格年齡
eligible age (for sth)
5. 合格牛奶
certified milk
6. 抽檢合格
pass a spot check
7. 檢驗合格證
certificate of inspection
8. 驗收合格證
inspection/acceptance certificate
9. 合格選民
eligible voter
10. 深水合格證
deepwater pass
11. 抽查合格
pass a spot check
12. 政審合格
be politically qualified
13. 出口檢驗合格證
certificate for export; certificate of export inspection
14. 船長合格證書
master's certificate
15. 安全合格牌照
safety approval plate
1. 列車運營商未能提供合格的服務。
Train operators have failed to provide an adequate service.
2. 他們將成為合格的教育者。
They will make qualified educators.
3. 它讓許多其他方面合格的女性無法走上T臺。
It keeps many otherwise qualified women off the runway.
4. 不合格的老師只能誤人子弟。
Unqualified teachers will be of great detriment to (the future of) their students.
5. 乾脆點兒說吧,她不合格。
She is, quite simply, unqualified.
6. 以我們的標準,她不合格。
By our standards, she is not qualified.
7. 不合格產品,保證退換。
Replacement is guaranteed if the products are not up to standard. / We undertake to replace any product not up to specifications.
8. 不合格產品不能出廠。
Substandard products are not to leave the factory.
9. 工作不合格的要補課。
Any inferior work must be brought up to the standard.
10. 經過檢查,軍醫認為他的身體合格。
[with obj. and complement]he was passed fit by army doctors.
合格(英文:qualified),讀音為hé gé,漢語詞語,指的是符合標準。也指詩詞歌曲合於格律。例句為“因為他學習成績不合格,所以不能畢業。” 近義詞有及格,反義詞有淘汰。
形詞 qualified; up to standard
1. 政治合格,業務過硬
be qualified politically and competent professionally
2. 合格選民
eligible voter
3. 合格教師
qualified teacher
4. 合格產品
qualified product; goods up to standard; regular product