協議的英文 協議用英語怎麼說?
negotiate v.談判;洽談;協商;順利透過;成功地越過;轉讓;談成;透過洽談達成;洽兌
consult v.請教;求教;向…諮詢;參考;查閱;和…商量;和…商議
agreement n.協調一致;同意;一致意見;協定;一致;合同;契約;相容;呼應
contract n.合同;契約;合同法;契約法;暗殺協議;定約;定約墩數;婚約
protocol n.國事禮儀;外交禮儀;外交協議草案;官方記錄;規程;約定;慣例;習慣做法;協議;(協定
常用 權威
1. 協議棧
protocol stack
2. 協議書
written statement of an agreement
3. 備忘錄協議
memorandum agreement
4. 離婚協議書
divorce agreement
5. 履行協議
implement an agreement
6. 雙方協議
bilateral agreement
7. 郵遞協議
Post Office Protocol (POP)
8. 集體協議
collective agreement
9. 認購協議
subscription agreement
10. 財產協議書
property settlement
11. 委託協議書
consignment agreement
12. 婚前協議
prenuptial agreement;prenuptial agreement
13. 協議投標
negotiated tender
14. 網路協議
network protocol
15. 回購協議
re-purchase agreement
16. 推翻協議
repudiate an agreement
17. 撕毀協議
tear up an agreement;tear up an agreement
18. 廢止協議
nullify an agreement
19. 網際協議
Internet Protocol (IP)
20. 外交協議
diplomatic treaty
1. 他們更擅長談判達成協議。
They are better at negotiating an agreement.
2. 在達成協議之前,他們進行了熱烈的討論。
Before reaching an agreement, they had a heated discussion.
3. 除非用筆寫下我們的名字,否則協議毫無價值。
An agreement is worthless till our name is written with a pen.
4. 現在,該公司突然聲稱2002年的協議無效。
Now the company is suddenly claiming that the 2002 agreement is invalid.
5. 格拉斯哥市議會與蘇格蘭電力公司就碳排放達成協議。
Glasgow City Council has made a deal with ScottishPower on carbon emissions.
6. 該協議強調了義大利作為藝術和文化良好理事的全球聲譽。
The accord underlined Italy's global reputation as a good steward of art and culture.
7. 雙方簽訂的名為《互動媒體協議》的現有勞動合同已於2014年底到期。
The existing labor contract known as the Interactive Media Agreement expired in late 2014.
8. 它(NHS 和 DeepMind 之間的協議)沒有對病人的權利給予應有的重視。
It failed to pay due attention to patients' rights.
9. 按照協議,雙方權利和義務均等。
Under the agreement, both sides share equal rights and responsibilities.
10. 經過磋商,雙方達成停火協議。
After negotiations, the two sides agreed on a ceasefire.
《協議(Protocol)》是由Fair Games Studio製作發行的一款冒險遊戲。
動詞 discuss together; negotiate; consult
1. 協議解除婚約
terminate a betrothal by agreement
2. 協議建立友好關係
agree to establish friendly relations (between/with)
名詞 agreement; contract
1. 協議期滿時
at/on the expiry of an agreement
2. 根據協議
by/under an agreement
3. 網際協議
Internet Protocol (IP)
4. 外交協議
diplomatic treaty
5. 口頭/書面協議
verbal/written agreement
6. 婚前協議
prenuptial agreement
7. 協議有效期
life of an agreement
8. 協議投資額
committed investment volume; investment commitment
9. 協議條款
articles/terms of an agreement
10. 協議價格
agreement price
11. 遵守協議
observe/respect an agreement
12. 違反協議
violate an agreement
13. 撕毀協議
tear up an agreement
14. 簽署協議
sign an agreement
15. 起草協議
draw up/draft a treaty
16. 破壞協議
violate/break/undermine an agreement
17. 解除協議
terminate a treaty
18. 廢除協議
annul/denounce/cancel an agreement
19. 訂立協議
make/establish an agreement (with)
20. 達成協議
come to/arrive at/enter into an agreement; reach/conclude an agreement; reach an accord
名詞 protocol
1. 網路傳輸協議
communications protocol
2. 協議標準
protocol standard