於的英文 於用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-23


in prep.在…裡;在…中;在…期間;在…以後;在…狀態中;在…情況裡;包含在…裡;牽涉在…中;從事…;用…語言;以…媒介;在…過程中;佔(總體)…(比例)

at prep.在;在…旁;在…時刻;在…時候;以;達;處在…狀態;向;朝;對於;用

on prep.在…上;位於;關於;涉及;作為成員;以…為目標;向…;以…為介質;在途中;在;忙碌於;靠;服用;由…支付;增加

from prep.從… 起;始於;來自;從…來;從;由;離;防;因為;由於;與… 不同

by prep.由;被;憑藉;用;透過;以…之差;相差…;到…之前;不遲於;在…旁邊;靠近;在…的時候;關於;根據;以… 的名義

than conj. & prep.比;除…;與其…

with regard to 關於, 至於, 就…而言, 在…方面

concerning prep.關於;就

to prep.向;朝;往;到;對;跟;與;屬於;附於;歸於;對於;關於;使;比;記入

towards prep.向;朝著;對;關於;為;有助於;用於;接近達到;接近;將近

常用 權威



1. 沉潛於研究

be steeped in research

2. 根植於生活

be rooted in life

3. 就學於該校

study at this school

4. 不久於人世

will die soon;be dying; be near death

5. 落後於時尚

fall behind the vogue

6. 倖免於空難

survive an air disaster

7. 受寵於某人

find favour in sb's eyes

8. 狃於陋習

rigidly adhere to corrupt customs

9. 落後於對手

trail one's rival

10. 顯揚於天下

be known far and wide

11. 自絕於人民

alienate oneself from the people

12. 自外於社會

sever ties with society

13. 曝露於荒野之中

be exposed in the wilderness

14. 適用於一切情況

apply in all cases

15. 卒於1999年

died in 1999

16. 美名勝於財富

a good name is better than riches

17. 卒底於成

finally achieve one's ends

18. 出身於農民家庭

come from peasant stock

19. 耽溺於尋歡作樂

yield oneself up to pleasure

20. 埋頭於文牘工作

be submerged by paperwork


1. 這主要存在貧困家庭的孩子中。

It exists mostly among children from poor families.

2. 《茶館》1958年首次上演。

Teahouse was first put on in 1958.

3. 他們的第一個孩子出生一月份。

They had their first born in January.

4. 這座城市的名字來自羅馬浴場。

The city got its name from the Roman Baths.

5. 調查結果顯示,亟需投資防災。

The findings show a critical need to invest in disaster prevention.

6. 釋出4月16日16點57分。

Posted 16th April at 16:57.

7. 我們可能不成熟,輕信他人。

We are probably immature and over-trusting.

8. 我不希望我的學生落後時代。

I don't want my students to fall behind the times.

9. 數字並不存在所有的文化中。

Numbers do not exist in all cultures.

10. 它自然而然地來自一個人的自信。

It comes naturally out of one's self-confidence.




于姓,中華姓氏之一,是一個出自炎帝、黃帝世系的典型的自黃河流域播遷全國的姓氏。一般認為于姓最早出自姬姓,西周初年,西周姬姓周武王之子邘叔獲封於邘國(河南),後邘叔的子孫就以於為氏。春秋戰國,邘叔有後裔遷山東郯城。魏晉南北朝時期,于姓真正走向全國。 歷史上于姓的重要人物有:漢朝宰相於定國;東漢末期道士于吉;三國時期曹魏五子良將之一的于禁;唐朝宰相於志寧;明朝政治家、軍事家、詩人于謙和于慎行;清朝第一廉吏于成龍;民國書法家、政治家,教育家于右任;核物理學家,中國“氫彈之父”于敏;中國話劇代表人物於是之等。



名詞 ancient musical instrument

介詞 [indicating time or place] in; at; on

1. 他生於烏魯木齊。

He was born in Urumqi.

2. 大會於昨天開幕。

The conference was started yesterday.

介詞 [indicating the object of an action]

1. 熱衷於集郵

be keen on stamp collecting

2. 請教於人

consult other people

3. 滿足於現狀

be content with the status quo

介詞 [indicating beginning or source] from

1. 世界上一些最偉大的文化都起源於亞洲。

It was in Asia that some of the world's greatest cultures had their birth.

2. 這條河發源於一處山泉。

The river rises from a mountain spring.

3. 死於礦井事故

die from a mine accident

4. 畢業於名牌大學

graduate from a prestigious university

介詞 [indicating the performer of an action] by

1. 限於經濟條件

be circumscribed by economic conditions

2. 見笑於人

be laughed at by others

null詞 [used after a verb or adjective] with regard to; concerning; to; towards

1. 股市局勢趨於穩定。

The stock market is tending towards stability.

2. 勇於自我批評

have the courage to make self-criticism

3. 忙於工作

be busy with one's work

介詞 [indicating comparison] than

1. 上尉的軍銜低於少校。

A captain stands lower than a major.

2. 按低於成本價出售

sell below cost price

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