感情的英文 感情用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-11



emotion n.情感;情緒;激情;感情

feeling n.感覺;看法;想法;知覺;對…的悟性;…感;感情;激情;觸覺;強烈的感情

sentiment n.觀點;看法;感覺;情感;情緒;感傷;感想;願望

love n.愛;熱愛;所愛之人;零分;零;愛情;戀愛;喜愛;愛好;性愛

attachment n.附屬物;附加裝置;喜愛;依戀;連線;系;喜歡;同情;附件

affection n.喜歡;喜愛;影響;被影響;感情;病;疾患;精神狀況

passion n.熱情;激情;耶穌受難;酷愛;受難曲;激情爆發;極度喜愛;強烈的性愛;酷愛的事物;福音書中耶穌基督受難的故事

常用 權威



1. 傷感情

hurt sb's feelings

2. 真實感情

true feelings; real sentiments

3. 感情色彩

emotional colouring;emotional colouring; sentiment

4. 挫傷感情

bruise one's feelings

5. 感情生活

emotional life

6. 有傷感情

hurt sb's feelings

7. 感情投資

invest in human relations;emotional investment [effort made and money spent to improve human relations]

8. 階級感情

class feeling

9. 感情糾葛

emotional entanglement;emotional entanglement

10. 感情脆弱

have too much sentiment

11. 交流感情

communicate the feelings (with)

12. 感情融洽

harmonize in feeling

13. 感情熾烈

be aflame with passion

14. 流露感情

show one's emotions

15. 感情變態

emotional abnormality

16. 感情創傷

emotional trauma

17. 發洩感情

relieve one's feelings

18. 民族感情

national sentiments

19. 感情用事

abandon oneself to emotion; be swayed by one's feelings/emotions/sentiments; act impetuously; be sentimental (in); give way to one's feelings

20. 濃郁的感情

strong affection


1. 要理智地對別人投入自己的感情

Be wise about the people who you invest yourself in.

2. 鳥類也可以透過眼睛和羽毛來表達感情

Birds can also show feelings through eyes and feathers.

3. 不同年齡和性別的人表達感情的方式不同。

People of different ages and genders show affection in different ways.

4. 我再也無法控制自己的感情,開始大聲哭泣。

I couldn't control my feelings anymore and began to cry loudly.

5. 在這裡,他們正在學習觸及自己的真實感情

Here they are learning to get in touch with their true feelings.

6. 她也有點感情熾烈!

She is also a bit wild!

7. 這是我們家人團聚的標誌,表達了我們的感情

It is a sign of reunion of our family showing our feelings.

8. 他們中的許多人認為貼紙是傳遞感情的最好方式。

Many of them think stickers are the best way to pass their feelings.

9. 人們透過書本建立的這種\友誼\不僅僅是感情用事。

This \friendship\ people develop with books isn't just sentimental (情感的).

10. 我們不喜歡錶達強烈的感情,而只是\保持冷靜,繼續前進\。

We don't like to express strong feelings, but just \keep calm and carry on\.



感情,漢語詞語,拼音為gǎn qíng,意思是對外界刺激的比較強烈的心理反應、動作流露;對人或事物關切、喜愛或厭惡的心情。



名詞 emotion; feeling; sentiment

1. 他們多年來感情不和。

There have been hard feelings between them for years.

2. 她感情細膩。

She has delicacy of feeling.

3. 她感情不外露。

She seldom shows her feelings. / She is not very demonstrative.

4. 隨著歲月的流逝,那份感情越來越深。

The feeling had deepened with the passing of time.

5. 易動感情的人

demonstrative/emotional person

6. 複雜的感情

mixed feelings

7. 感情生活

emotional life

8. 感情糾葛

emotional entanglement

9. 感情豐富的人

person of sentiment/heart

10. 微妙的感情

subtle emotion

11. 愛國主義感情

sentiment of patriotism

12. 感情脆弱

have too much sentiment

13. 感情衝動

be carried away by one's feelings/emotions

14. 感情很深

be deeply attached (to sb/sth)

15. 尊重別人的感情

have regard for other people's feelings

16. 培養感情

build/cultivate/develop feelings (for sb)

17. 沒有感情

have no feelings; be without feelings (for sb)

18. 流露感情

betray/show one's emotions

19. 控制感情

hold back/control/contain one's emotions; hold oneself in

20. 激起感情

arouse one's/sb's emotions

21. 放縱自己的感情

indulge one's passion

22. 發洩感情

relieve one's feelings

23. 動感情

be carried away by one's emotions; get worked up

24. 表達感情

express one's feelings/emotions

名詞 love; attachment; affection; passion

1. 不要讓感情戰勝理智。

Don't let your passions run away with your senses.

2. 把全部感情傾注到孩子身上

place/centre all one's affections on one's children

3. 帶著感情唱歌

sing with affection

4. 對父母/兄弟姐妹的感情

love for/to one's parents/siblings

5. 增進夫妻感情

strengthen/solidify the mutual attachment between husband and wife

6. 懷有感情

cherish a deep affection (for sb)

7. 產生感情

form an attachment to/for sb; become attached to sb

違和感強用成語怎麼說 ?