贊成的英文 贊成用英語怎麼說?
approve of 批准, 贊成
agree with 同意, 贊同
favour n.贊同;贊成;喜愛;好感;幫忙;善意的行為;好事;小禮物;偏愛;偏袒
consent to 同意;表示同意;同意接受
常用 權威
1. 贊成票
affirmative vote; yes (vote); vote of assent
2. 贊成其行
help materialize the planned trip
3. 贊成動議
support a motion
4. 拍手贊成
clap one's hands in approval
5. 贊成一項決定
approve of a decision
6. 舉雙手贊成
be all for it
7. 附議贊成動議
second a motion
8. 贊成一項原則
subscribe to a principle
1. 馬可尼不贊成將無線通訊用於商業廣播。
Marconi disapproved of the use of wireless communication for commercial broadcasting.
2. 約翰·多納休對公共部門系統的態度是不贊成的。
John Donahue's attitude towards the public-sector system is one of disapproval.
3. 設想一下,你贊成提高本州的最低工資,而我不贊成。
Imagine that you favor increasing the minimum wage in our state, and I do not.
4. 聽他的口風,好像不贊成這件事。
From the way he talks about it, he doesn’t seem to approve of this.
5. 五票贊成,三票反對,兩票棄權。
Five votes for, three against, and two abstentions.
6. 我不贊成豁出學業而從事體育運動。
I do not approve of your going for sports at the expense of your school work.
7. 他們贊成不贊成,我都無所謂。
It doesn’t make any difference to me whether they agree or not.
8. 老實說,我不贊成這個提議。
To be honest/frank, I disagree on the proposal.
9. 我們大家都不贊成他的意見。
We all disagree with him.
10. 或者反對,或者贊成,你總得有個態度。
You must take a stand about the matter, either for or against.
詞目:贊成 拼音:zàn chéng 英譯: [approve; agree with; help] 詞性:動詞基本解釋: 對別人的主張或行為表示同意或滿意。
動詞 approve of; agree with; favour; assent to; consent to
1. 我贊成你的決定。
I applaud your decision.
2. 他完全贊成。
He is all for it.
3. 他點頭表示贊成。
He nodded his approval. / He nodded in approval.
4. 我們大家都不贊成他的意見。
We all disagree with him.
5. 贊成這項提議的請舉手。
Those in favour of this proposal please raise your hands.
6. 五票贊成這項提議,兩票反對,兩票棄權
five votes for the proposal, two against and two abstentions
7. 有保留/無保留的贊成
qualified/unqualified approval
8. 一致贊成
approve of unanimously; agree with unanimously
9. 投票贊成
give one's vote to; vote for; vote in favour of
10. 得到贊成
meet with sb's approval/acceptance/approbation; win/gain/obtain/receive/earn sb's approval; earn/gain/receive sb's approbation
11. 表示贊成
express one's approbation; voice/express one's approval
12. 贊成一項原則
subscribe to a principle
13. 贊成一項決定
approve of a decision
14. 贊成一項計劃
look on a plan with favour; assent to a plan; approve of a plan; favour a plan
動詞 help sb accomplish/achieve
1. 贊成其行
help materialize the planned trip