事業的英文 事業用英語怎麼說?
cause n.起因;原因;原則;事業;訴訟事由;正當理由;值得支援的事;個人訴訟案件
undertaking n.保證;許諾;喪葬經營;殯儀業;事業;工作;企業;任務
career n.職業;事業;職業生涯;職業的;機構的發展歷程;盡職的;職業婦女的
institution n.協會;機構;制度;慣例;風俗;建立;設立;開始;大金融機構;院
常用 權威
1. 事業心
dedication/devotion to one's work
2. 黨的事業
cause of the Party
3. 光榮事業
splendid cause
4. 企事業單位
enterprises and institutions
5. 革命事業
revolutionary cause
6. 福利事業
welfare project/service
7. 名山事業
undertaking of writing scholarly books which will go down in history
8. 民辦事業
non-government undertaking/institution
9. 拋擲事業
abandon one's career
10. 擁有事業
have a career
11. 公用事業
public utilities;public utilities/service
12. 文化事業
cultural undertakings/establishment
13. 事業單位
(public) institution
14. 公益事業
public service; public welfare undertaking
15. 事業性收費
institutional charging
16. 終身事業
one's lifework; lifelong cause
17. 事業有成
get ahead with one's career
18. 慈善事業
charity institutions;charities; good works; charitable venture/enterprise; philanthropic undertaking
19. 共同事業
common cause
20. 公用服務事業
utility services
1. 莫奈的火車場景使他的事業大獲成功。
Monet's train scenes turned his career into a success.
2. 追求事業是青少年發展的重要組成部分。
Pursuing a career is an essential part of adolescent development.
3. 人們需要多長時間才能達到事業的巔峰。
How long people took to reach the top of their career.
4. 為了幫助梵高的事業,他訂購了19幅畫。
In order to help Van Gogh's career, he ordered 19 paintings.
5. 我認為你應該更加認真地對待自己的事業。
I think you should be more serious about your business.
6. 獻身於有價值的事業。
Devote themselves to a worthy cause.
7. 很快,人們請她做衣服,這就變成了一個全職的事業。
Soon enough, people asked her to make clothes, and it turned into a full-time business.
8. 使我的大學選擇變得更為複雜的是我蒸蒸日上的徑賽事業。
Further complicating my college search was a flourishing track career.
9. 在這個過程中,她開啟了全新的生活,建立了全新的事業。
In the process, she built a radically new life and career.
10. 他們告訴我,我必須攻讀學位,這樣我才能成就一番事業。
They told me that I had to study for a degree so that I would achieve a career.
事業,2005年巴西上映的一部劇情片,由Teatro Ilustre Produções Cinematográficas公司製作發行。
名詞 cause; undertaking; career
1. 這是他曾為之慷慨捐助的事業。
This is a cause to which he has subscribed generously.
2. 興旺的事業
prosperous cause
3. 文化教育事業
cultural and educational undertakings
4. 共產主義事業
cause of communism
5. 革命事業
revolutionary cause
6. 黨的事業
cause of the Party
7. 事業有成
get ahead with one's career
8. 擁有事業
have a career
9. 獻身於事業
devote/dedicate oneself to a cause
10. 完成大事業
accomplish a great undertaking
11. 開創一項事業
launch a career
12. 把事業推向前進
urge the cause along
名詞 institution
1. 集體福利事業
collective welfare services
2. 公用事業
public utilities
3. 慈善事業
charity institutions
4. 事業性收費
institutional charging