瞬間的英文 瞬間用英語怎麼說?
blink v.眨眼睛;閃爍;讓步;眨眼擠出;眨眼忍住;眨巴著眼睛看;對…表示驚奇;退讓
twinkling vi.閃爍;(twinkle的現在分詞形式)
instant adj.立刻的;立即的;緊急的;緊迫的;刻不容緩的;本月的;此刻的;現時的;速溶的;一蹴而就的
moment n.片刻;瞬間;剎那;重大;重要;力矩;矩;動差;時刻
split second 一剎那, 極快的;高度精確的, 分秒不差的
常用 權威
1. 一瞬間
a fleeting moment
2. 瞬間反應
instantaneous response
3. 瞬間停頓
momentary pause
4. 瞬間消失
vanish in an instant
5. 瞬間的決定
split-second decision
1. 在一瞬間,他轉過身跑回了家。
In a second, he turned around and ran back family.
2. 人類駕駛員有時必須瞬間做出決定。
Human drivers sometimes must make split-second decisions.
3. 有那麼一瞬間,他想過放棄這個節目。
For a moment, he thought about giving up the show.
4. 這種瞬間的想法被用文字表達出來,代代相傳。
Such momentary thoughts were represented in words and passed down across generations.
5. 幸福不是未來的一個時刻,也不是過去的一瞬間。
Happiness is not a point of future and not a moment from the past.
6. 雖然以今天的數字標準來看,曝光速度很慢,但在當時幾乎是瞬間的。
Though slow by today's digital standards, the exposure was almost instantaneous.
7. 轉瞬間我來這兒已經幾天了。
Several days have passed as if in a twinkling since I came here.
8. 景色在一瞬間變了。
In a twinkling the scene has changed.
9. 她的反應幾乎是瞬間作出的。
Her reaction was almost instantaneous.
10. 她們吻你時,世界瞬間變得美妙。
The way they kiss you and all of sudden everything is right in the world.
瞬間是一個漢語詞語,讀音是shùn jiān,一指船行如箭,瞬間來到近旁,二指形容剎那間,須臾,一眨眼的工夫。也可以作為文學描寫中形容時間流逝迅速的單位。
全球香水知名品牌Guerlain在2003年再度以創新的研發概念,推出L´Instant 瞬間女香。
名詞 blink; twinkling; instant; moment; split second
1. 景色在一瞬間變了。
In a twinkling the scene has changed.
2. 在跨過門檻的一瞬間
in the instant of crossing the threshold
3. 轉瞬間
in a twinkle/twinkling; for an instant; for one fleeting moment; in a breath
4. 瞬間的決定
split-second decision
5. 瞬間停頓
momentary pause
6. 瞬間反應
instantaneous response
7. 瞬間消失
vanish in an instant