疑問的英文 疑問用英語怎麼說?
question n.問題;疑問;懷疑;難題;不確定;異議;有待解決的問題;事情
query n.問題;疑問;詢問;質問;請問;問號
doubt n.不確定;疑惑;懷疑;疑慮
常用 權威
1. 疑問句
interrogative sentence
2. 疑問詞
3. 一般疑問句
general question; yes-no question
4. 有疑問
have a question
5. 附加疑問句
tag question
6. 疑問副詞
interrogative adverb
7. 一大堆疑問
a mountain of queries
8. 解答疑問
answer a question
9. 疑問代詞
interrogative pronoun;interrogative pronoun
1. 毫無疑問,扎染潮流從未真正消失。
There is no doubt that the tie-dye trend has never really gone away.
2. 對於一個咖啡館老闆來說,這是毫無疑問
No doubt about that for a café owner.
3. 毫無疑問,自動駕駛汽車可以帶來巨大的好處。
There's no question that self-driving vehicles could be an enormous benefit.
4. 毫無疑問,製造業在最近幾十年受到了重大打擊。
Without question, manufacturing has taken a significant hit during recent decades.
5. 他們毫無疑問地相信這個數字會給他們帶來金錢。
They believe without any doubt that the number will bring them money.
6. 城市旅遊卡可以毫無疑問地為您節省金錢和時間。
City tourism cards can save your money and time without question.
7. 毫無疑問,你有一些很好的朋友、家人和一個棲身之所。
You no doubt have some wonderful friends, family, and a roof over your head.
8. 毫無疑問,同齡人群體對我們的行為產生了巨大的影響。
There's no doubt that our peer groups exert enormous influence on our behavior.
9. 但毫無疑問,這是一個積極的訊號,表明邦德先生非常信任你。
But surely, that's a positive sign showing that Mr. Bond has a lot of trust in you.
10. 然而,人類教育家的工作是否會在短期內被比爾搶走還是個疑問。
It is doubtful, however, that human educators will lose their jobs to Bill any time soon.
◎ 拼音:yíwèn ◎ 解釋: 1) :有懷疑或不理解的問題。〖英:Doubt;Query;Question〗 2) :質疑;詢問。〖英:Call in question;Query〗 詞性:名詞 ◎ 名著例句: “盼黃卷以置郵,廣青衿之疑問。”——宋 朱熹 《白鹿洞賦》 “先作《五經疑問》百餘篇,其言該典,今行於時。”——《魏書·房景先傳》 “現在這字條將訴說他們的一切,解答她的種種疑問,使她與他們心心相通。” ——葉聖陶 《未厭集·夜》 “足下已審其虛實,方書之不朽,獨鑑堅精,難復疑問。聊寫餘懷,依答條釋。” —— 南宋顏延之 《重釋何衡陽》 “ 阿難 是供養佛人,常隨佛行,親從世尊受所教法,必處處疑問世尊,是故今者應令在數。” ——《法苑珠林》卷十九
名詞 question; query; doubt
1. 毫無疑問,他是全校最聰明的學生。
He is without question/doubt the brightest student in the school.
2. 有疑問
have a question
3. 引起疑問
arouse a question in sb's mind
4. 提出疑問
raise a query/question (about)
5. 解答疑問
answer a question
6. 毫無疑問
there's no doubt/question (about)
7. 一大堆疑問
a mountain of queries