感染的英文 感染用英語怎麼說?
infect v.感染;傳染;侵染;汙染;感染病毒;影響;傳播給
contract n.合同;契約;合同法;契約法;暗殺協議;定約;定約墩數;婚約
catch v.截住;拿住;捕獲;意外地被纏住;趕上;吸引;激發;擊打;感染;起火;著火
affect v.影響;對…有影響;對…起作用;假裝;感動;打動;侵襲;感染;做作地使用;故作姿態地模仿
influence n.影響;作用;勢力;權勢;磁感應;具影響(或權勢)的人;電感應
imbue v.浸透;充滿
infection n.感染;傳染;侵染;傳染病;病毒感染;病毒傳播
常用 權威
1. 感染率
infection rate
2. 感染力
appeal; power to influence; punch
3. 吸蟲感染
fluke infection
4. 肺部感染
lung infection
5. 腎臟感染
kidney infection
6. 受感染
get infected; be infected (by)
7. 感染性胃炎
infectious gastritis
8. 圍生期感染
perinatal infection
9. 外傷感染
trauma infection
10. 感染肺炎
catch pneumonia
11. 混合感染
mixed infection
12. 隱性感染
inapparent infection
13. 外源性感染
exogenous infection
14. 蛔蟲感染
roundworm infection
15. 絛蟲感染
tapeworm infection
16. 預防感染
take precautions against infection
17. 蟎感染
mite infestation
18. 感染性創傷
infected wound
19. 衣原體感染
chlamydial infection
20. 臍帶感染
umbilical infection
1. 更多的國家和地區感染了該病毒。
More countries and regions have been infected(感染) by the virus.
2. 增強人們對感染的免疫力。
Strengthening people's immunity to infection.
3. 他正與喉嚨感染作鬥爭。
He was fighting a throat infection.
4. 許多感染已經無法治癒。
Many infections are no longer curable.
5. 該市為感染新型冠狀病毒的人建了兩所醫院。
The city built two hospitals for the people with the novel coronavirus.
6. 用於治療皮膚小燒傷引起的疼痛和感染的乳膏。
Cream to treat pain and infection(感染)from small burn on skin.
7. 甚至許多醫生和護士在治療病人時也感染了SARS。
Even many doctors and nurses got SARS when they treated patients.
8. 他是一個安靜的藝術家,不喜歡多說話,但他的作品很有感染力。
He's a quiet artist and doesn't like to talk much, but his work shouts.
9. 這種蠕蟲病毒已經感染了上萬臺電腦。
The worm virus has affected over ten thousand computers.
10. 那位教師以自己的熱情感染了他的學生。
The teacher infected/influenced/imbued his students with his enthusiasm.
感染,是一個漢語詞語,拼音是gǎn rǎn,一般是指病毒感染,即病原微生物以及寄生蟲等侵入機體並生長繁殖引起的病理反應及對機體造成的損害;病原體由傳染源透過一定途徑侵入另一機體;亦指透過語言文字或其他形式引起別人相同的思想感情。
動詞 (of a disease) infect; contract; catch
1. 這種蠕蟲病毒已經感染了上萬臺電腦。
The worm virus has affected over ten thousand computers.
2. 塵垢會感染傷口。
Dirt infects a cut.
3. 嚴重感染
serious/severe infection
4. 細菌感染
bacterial infection
5. 手術後感染
postoperative infection
6. 輕微感染
slight/superficial infection
7. 感染途徑
route of infection
8. 繼發性/原發性感染
secondary/primary infection
9. 肺部感染
lung infection
10. 病灶感染
focal infection
11. 病毒感染
viral infection
12. 預防感染
take precautions against infection
13. 受感染
get infected; be infected (by)
14. 防止感染
keep off/prevent infection
15. 感染肺炎
catch pneumonia
16. 感染病毒
be infected/contaminated with virus; contract virus
動詞 infect; affect; influence; imbue
1. 那位教師以自己的熱情感染了他的學生。
The teacher infected/influenced/imbued his students with his enthusiasm.