分的英文 分用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-31


divide v.分開;分隔;不同意;使有分歧;除;隔開;將…分配給;分配;為投票(把… )分成兩組;被除盡

separate adj.分離的;獨立的;不同的;特別的

part n.一部分;部分;區域性;人物;角色;能力;分縫;頭路;點;作用

distinguish v.識別;區分;感覺到差別;指出差別;辨別出;使區別於他物;使傑出;使受尊重

differentiate v.區別;區分;變異;變化;求…的微分;辨別;使不同;使有差別

tell apart 區分

expect v.認為…有可能發生;預料;期望;期待;指望;要求;等待;盼望;我猜想;認為……可能做某事

assume v.假設;臆斷;承擔;就;呈現;具有;假裝;僭取;奪取

fraction n.分數;小數;分切聖餐麵包;小部分;餾分;微量;分餾物;持不同意見的小集團

one-tenth n.十分之一

point n.尖;尖頭;尖端;標點;點;處;地方;位置;條;項;分;岬角;軌尖;道岔;防守位置;接觸點;尖兵隊;外部位;直竄位置;束衣帶;束帆繩;狗指方向的動作或姿勢;重要樂句;重要主題

mark n.痕;疤痕;斑;標記;記號;嘜頭;得分;分數;型;目標;馬克;波黑馬克

component n.部件;零件;組成部分;成分;分力

content adj.平靜而幸福的;愉快的;滿足的;滿意的;安於現狀的

minute n.分;會議記錄;議事錄;時;刻;一會兒;備忘錄;駕車(或步行)一分鐘的路程

常用 權威



1. 分介面


2. 夫妻情分

marital affection

3. 分相器

phase splitter

4. 分機號碼

extension (number)

5. 團體分

team score

6. 分毫無差

be extremely accurate

7. 分一套住房

be allotted a flat

8. 得50分

score 50 points

9. 分兩撥兒幹活

work in two groups

10. 砍下45分

pour in 45 points

11. 把食品分發給難民

ration food out among refugees

12. 砍下賽季最高61分

score a season-high 61 points


1. 釋出於4月16日16點57

Posted 16th April at 16:57.

2. 如果你不這麼做,我會扣你的。

If you don't do this, I will take away points from your grade.

3. 它的風險怎麼估計都不過

Its risks cannot be overestimated.

4. 從我的零錢包裡拿出一枚25硬幣。

Take a quarter from my little change wallet.

5. 滿分800的標準化考試。

A standardised exam which is marked out of 800 points.

6. 標準化考試滿分為800

A standardised exam is marked out of 800 points.

7. 它的南北軸線位於正北以西354秒。

Its north-south axis runs 3 minutes 54 seconds west of due north.

8. 下一位申請者的分數將平均下降0.075

The score for the next applicant would drop by an average of 0.075 points.

9. 人們捐了錢和其他東西,伊萬把它們發給有需要的人。

People donated(捐贈) money and something else, and Ewan handed them out to those in need.

10. 我沒想到我們會得99。不知道為什麼,我又驚又喜。

I didn't think we were going to get 99. I don't know why, but I was pleasantly surprised.


分,漢語詞彙,漢字“分”有兩個讀音——fēn和fèn,有各自的意思和用法。 分指的是,區劃開、辨別、由整體中取出或產生出一部分,如:地也,你不分好歹何為地!——〔元〕關漢卿《竇娥冤》




動詞 divide; separate; part

1. 孩子們分成三個橫隊。

The children were divided into three ranks.

2. 他們分了那筆錢。

They divided/split the money among themselves.

3. 把…一分為二

divide sth in half/into two

4. 把土地分成小塊

separate land (up) into small plots

5. 分組勞動

work in groups

6. 分為三類

break down/fall into three categories

7. 分十二集在電臺/電視上播放

be serialized on radio/TV in twelve parts

8. 分三個月付清

spread the payments over three months

9. 分階段撤出

withdraw in phases; make a phased withdrawal (from)

10. 分給大家

serve sth out

11. 分開人群

part the crowd

12. 分糧/錢

divide the grain/money

13. 分利潤

divide the profits (among/between)

動詞 distribute (to); assign (to); allot (to)

1. 這工作分給你。

This job is assigned to you.

2. 把財產分給子女

share/divide one's fortune/property among one's children

3. 分一套住房

be allotted a flat

4. 分發蘋果

serve out apples

動詞 distinguish; differentiate; tell apart

1. 兩隊現在還難分勝負。

Now it's still a tossup between the two teams.

2. 不分青紅皂白

make no distinction between black and white; indiscriminately

形詞 divided (from an organization)

1. 中國國際旅行社西安分社

Xi'an Branch, China International Travel Service

2. 西安市公安局蓮湖分局

Lianhu Branch of Xi'an Public Security Bureau

名詞 fraction

名詞 [for evaluation of sth abstract] one-tenth

名詞 one tenth (of certain units of the metric system)

量詞 fen: a) unit of length, equal to a tenth of a cun(寸)b) unit of area, equal to a tenth of a mu(畝)c) unit of weight, equal to a tenth of a qian(錢)d) unit of money, equal to a tenth of a jiao(角)

量詞 [unit of interest rate]

量詞 minute

名詞 point; mark

量詞 [expressing fractions and percentages]

名詞 component; content

1. 糖/鹽分

sugar/salt content

名詞 extent of one's duty or rights

名詞 factor concerning affection, luck, or talent

名詞 null

動詞 expect; assume

1. 他自分難逃此劫。

He was convinced that he could hardly avert the disaster.

我真的好想你!用韓語怎麼說 ?
分銷用日語怎麼說 ?