笑話的英文 笑話用英語怎麼說?
joke n.笑話;玩笑;荒唐可笑的人
jest n.俏皮話;笑話;玩笑;笑柄;笑料
laugh at 嘲笑;取笑
ridicule n.嘲笑;嘲弄;戲弄
常用 權威
1. 淫穢笑話
bawdy jokes
2. 笑話集
joke book
3. 笑話大全
collection of jokes
4. 笑話某人
giber at sb
5. 笑話百出
make many ridiculous mistakes; make oneself utterly ridiculous
6. 黃色笑話
dirty joke; blue humour
7. 成人笑話
adult joke
8. 講笑話
tell a joke
9. 有趣的笑話
rich joke
10. 天大的笑話
colossal absurdity
11. 庸俗的笑話
cheap joke
1. 這在德國人中間已經成了一個笑話。
It has become something of a joke among Germans.
2. 他喜歡各種笑話,因為他很有幽默感。
He likes all kinds of jokes because he has a great sense of humor/humour.
3. 她知道什麼時候安慰你,什麼時候講笑話。
She knows when to comfort you or tell jokes.
4. 你最好的朋友在給你講笑話,但你卻不理解!
Your best friend is telling you a joke, but you can't catch it!
5. 主持人在聚會上講了一個笑話,讓客人們大笑。
The host told a joke at the party and made the guests laugh a lot.
6. 你不必為了顯示你的幽默感而在小組裡講笑話。
You don't have to be the joke teller in the group in order to show your sense of humor.
7. 對一個人有效的笑話不一定會對另一個人起作用。
Jokes that work on one person won't necessarily land with another.
8. 在美好小學歲月中,我喜歡分享我的洋娃娃和笑話。
During the rosy years of elementary school (小學), I enjoyed sharing my dolls and jokes.
9. 父親給我講了一個有趣的笑話,我每次想起都忍不住笑。
My father told me a funny joke and I can't stop laughing every time I think of it.
10. 透過撥打569-4255,老人可以聽到預先錄製的笑話和詩歌。
By dialing 569-4255, the elderly can hear pre-recorded jokes and poems.
笑話(Joke),意思是引人發笑的話或事情。 笑話具有篇幅短小,故事情節簡單而巧妙,但往往出人意料,給人突然之間笑點來了的奇妙感覺,大多揭示生活中乖謬的現象,具有諷刺性和娛樂性,其趣味有高下之分。2008年6月7日,笑話經國務院批准列入第二批國家級非物質文化遺產名錄。
名詞 joke; jest
1. 我只不過是說了個笑話,別往心裡去。
I was only joking. Don't take it to heart.
2. 他沒明白這個笑話。
He didn't see the joke.
3. 她的笑話沒能讓人發笑。
Her jokes fell flat.
4. 他的笑話快把我笑死了。
His joke nearly killed me.
5. 簡直是笑話!
That's a laugh!
6. 庸俗的笑話
cheap joke
7. 天大的笑話
huge/colossal joke
8. 黃色笑話
dirty joke; blue humour
9. 成人笑話
adult joke
10. 笑話集
joke book
11. 笑話大全
collection of jokes
12. 說笑話
crack a joke; break/drop a jest
13. 鬧笑話
make a laughing stock of oneself; make an exhibition of oneself
14. 看笑話
amuse oneself by watching other people make fools of themselves
15. 講笑話
tell a joke
動詞 laugh at; ridicule
1. 他總是笑話我的一雙大腳。
He is always making cracks about my big feet.
2. 他因太傻而遭人笑話。
He was laughed at for being so foolish.
3. 笑話某人
giber at sb