利潤的英文 利潤用英語怎麼說?
profit n.利潤;贏利;收益;利益;好處;益處
常用 權威
1. 利潤額
amount of profit
2. 利潤率
profit margin/rate; rate of profit
3. 虛增利潤
inflated profit
4. 賬面利潤
paper profits;book profit
5. 實現利潤
realize profits
6. 外匯利潤
exchange profit
7. 意外利潤
windfall profit
8. 商業利潤
business/commercial gain
9. 應稅利潤
assessable profit
10. 額外利潤
extra profit; premium returns
11. 營運利潤率
operating profit ratio; operating margin
12. 計算利潤
count one's profits
13. 承保利潤
underwriting profit
14. 定額利潤
quota profit
15. 邊際利潤
marginal profit; profit margin
16. 公司利潤
corporate earnings
17. 利潤留成
retained profit
18. 截留利潤
retention of profits
19. 獨吞利潤
pocket all the profits alone
20. 應得利潤
due profit
1. 精明地投資於利潤豐厚的行業。
Invest shrewdly in lucrative businesses.
2. 它正在產生前所未有的利潤。
It is yielding an unprecedented profit.
3. 製糖業在創造利潤方面正在超越菸酒業。
The sugar industry is overtaking alcohol and tobacco business in generating profits.
4. 鉅額利潤則由少數經營市場的大公司獲得。
Huge profits are made by a few big firms who run the market places.
5. 傳統腳踏車的高額利潤。
High profits from conventional bikes.
6. 傢俱的利潤稍微高一點,主要是因為它的關稅較低。
Furniture is marginally more profitable, mostly because it enjoys lower customs duties.
7. 他們餵養奶牛的穀物價格上漲,積壓了他們的利潤空間。
The price of grain they feed their cows has gone up, tightening their profit margins.
8. 店主蓋·威爾遜說,他的咖啡館旨在建立社群,而不是利潤。
Owner Guy Wilson says his café aims to build community, rather than profits.
9. 雖然她很早就創立了自己的公司,但她並不是主要受利潤驅動。
Although she founded her company early on in life, she wasn't driven primarily by profit.
10. 更快的週轉,意味著庫存浪費更少、新品釋出更頻繁,利潤也就更高。
Quicker turnarounds mean less wasted inventory, more frequent releases, and more profit.
名詞 profit
1. 賬面利潤
paper profits
2. 銷售/營業利潤
profit on sales/operation
3. 稅前利潤
pre-tax profits
4. 鉅額利潤
big/colossal/great/huge/immense/tremendous profit
5. 非法/合法利潤
illegal/legal profit
6. 純/淨/毛利潤
net/clear/gross profit
7. 從投資/銷售中獲得利潤
profit from investment/sales
8. 利潤下降
profits decline
9. 利潤微薄
poor profits
10. 追求高額利潤
be after/seek huge profits; seek high returns
11. 榨取利潤
squeeze profits
12. 增加利潤
increase/boost profits
13. 實現利潤
realize profits
14. 上繳利潤
turn over profits to higher authorities
15. 侵吞利潤
pocket profits
16. 減少/削減利潤
cut profits
17. 獲得利潤
clear/earn/gain/make/reap/turn a profit
18. 創造利潤
create profits
19. 產生利潤
produce/yield profits