海關的英文 海關用英語怎麼說?
customhouse n.海關
customs pl-n.海關;關稅;海關關口
常用 權威
1. 海關檢查
customs check
2. 海關報關
customs declaration
3. 海關通行證
customs pass
4. 海關證明書
customs certificate
5. 海關轄區
customs territory
6. 海關關長
chief of customs; customs commissioner
7. 海關總署
customs head office; customs bureau; (China) General Administration for Customs
8. 海關申報單
customs declaration
9. 海關手續
customs formalities;customs formalities/procedures
10. 海關登記
customs entry
11. 海關邊境
customs border
12. 海關退稅
customs drawback/rebate
13. 海關緝私艇
revenue cutter
14. 海關放行
customs clearance;customs clearance
15. 海關單據
customs document
16. 海關官員
customs officer
17. 海關檢疫
customs quarantine control
18. 海關稅收
customs revenue
19. 海關驗關
customs examination
20. 精簡海關手續
simplify the customs formalities
1. 中國海關開始對入境移民的所有入口點進行NAT(核酸檢測)。
Chinese customs began NAT on inbound arrivals at all points of entry.
2. 4月1日:中國海關開始在所有入境點對入境貨物進行核酸檢測。
Apr1: Chinese customs began NAT (核酸檢測) on inbound arrivals at all points of entry.
3. 然而,每個(國家)都是一塊獨立的土地,有自己的政府、貿易和海關。
Yet each is an independent land, with its own government, trade, and customs.
4. 海關把他們的貨物全壓下了。
The customs detained their entire cargo.
5. 僅幾分鐘我們就通過了海關。
It took us only a few minutes to get through the customs.
6. 海關關員查抄了走私物品。
The customs officer confiscated the smuggled goods.
7. 他企圖逃過海關的檢查。
He attempted to evade the customs inspection.
8. 我們以最簡化的手續通過了海關。
We were through customs with a minimum of formalities.
9. 海關官員截獲了大批隱藏的毒品。
Customs officials have netted large caches of drugs.
10. 海關官員最多可將貨物扣押兩天。
Customs officers may detain goods for up to two days.
依據本國(或地區)的法律、行政法規行使進出口監督管理職權的國家行政機關。英語Customs一詞,最早是指商人販運商品途中繳納的一種地方稅捐,帶有“買路錢”或港口、市場“透過費”、“使用費”的性質。這種地方稅捐取消後,Customs一詞則專指政府徵收的進出口稅,the Customs是徵收進出口稅的政府機構,即海關,是對出入國境的一切商品和物品進行監督、檢查並照章徵收關稅的國家機關。
名詞 customhouse; customs
1. 海關放行
customs clearance
2. 海關登記
customs entry
3. 透過海關
go/get through the customs; clear/pass the customs