學會的英文 學會用英語怎麼說?
learn v.學習;學會;教導;背;得知;獲悉;記誦
master n.老爺;主人;主子;專家;碩士;主管;負責人;少爺;原版;原件;…桅船
institute n.學會;協會;機構;註釋;論述;概要
常用 權威
1. 法學會
jurisprudence society; law society
2. 學會自制
learn to exercise self-restraint
3. 哲學學會
philosophical society
4. 專業學會
professional association
5. 學會出版物
society publication
6. 完全學會
learn something thoroughly
7. 美國語言學學會
Linguistic Society of America (LSA)
8. 美國核學會
American Nuclear Society (ANS)
9. 學會領導藝術
acquire the art of leadership
10. 美國會計學會
American Accounting Association (AAA)
1. 我意識到我們必須學會放下過去。
I realized that we have to learn to leave the past behind.
2. 首先要學會使用適當的肢體語言。
Learn to use appropriate body language first.
3. 人們可以透過接受教育學會感恩。
People can be educated to be grateful.
4. 首先,做家務有助於孩子學會獨立。
First, doing chores helps children learn to be independent.
5. 你應該學會禮貌地拒絕別人的邀請。
You are supposed to learn to turn down others' invitation politely.
6. 我會學會勇敢面對困難,永不放棄。
I will learn to face the difficulties bravely and never give up.
7. 雷米學會瞭如何成為一隻猩猩。
Remy learned how to be an orangutan.
8. 他希望這些孩子學會誇耀自己。
He wants these kids to learn to boast(誇耀) about themselves.
9. 喜歡默默學習的同學會更成功。
Students who like to study in silence will be more successful.
10. 我們學會忍受我們無法改變的事情。
We learn to bear with the things we can't change.
動詞 learn; master
1. 完全學會
learn something thoroughly
2. 學會外語
acquire/master a foreign language
3. 學會彈鋼琴
have learned to play the piano
名詞 (learned) society; (scholarly) association; institute
1. 專業學會
professional association
2. 美國語言學學會
Linguistic Society of America (LSA)
3. 學會出版物
society publication
4. 申請加入學會
apply for membership in a society