清除的英文 清除用英語怎麼說?
clear away 收拾餐桌
clean up 清理, 清理乾淨, 打掃;發大財;贏得(一項或系列體育競賽或賽事)大滿貫
eliminate v.消除;根除;排除;排洩;對…不予考慮;把…排除在外;殺死;除掉;淘汰;消去
get rid of 擺脫, 丟棄
常用 權威
1. 沙子清除器
2. 清除隱患
remove a hidden danger
3. 清除匪患
eliminate bandits
4. 定點清除
targeted elimination/killing
5. 清除流弊
get rid of malpractice
6. 清除蔽障
remove barriers
7. 清除障礙
remove barriers
8. 清除貪官
root out corrupt officials
9. 清除野草
clear away weeds
10. 清除地雷
11. 清除淤泥
clean up the muddy deposit
12. 清除遺留問題
eliminate the remaining problems
13. 清除路邊雜物
clean up the roadside litter
14. 清除社會垃圾
do away with social dregs
15. 清除毒氣汙染
clean up the toxic pollution
16. 清除叛徒奸細
comb out traitors and spies
17. 清除人為的阻礙
remove the artificial obstacles
1. 清除溢位的物質是一項艱鉅的任務。
It was a hard task to remove the spilled substance.
2. 清除香菸盒上的所有廣告。
Rid cigarette cartons of all advertisements.
3. 生物膜群落可以較長時間地滋生細菌,而且很難被清除。
Biofilm communities can harbor bacteria longer and are very difficult to clean.
4. 據報道,消防隊員努力從路上清除了12噸固體巧克力。
Firefighters struggled to remove a reported twelve tons of solid chocolate from the road.
5. 無論哪種方式,都是一樣的原理:影象是透過清除汙垢而形成的。
Either way, it's the same principle: the image is made by cleaning away the dirt.
6. 把混進我們隊伍的壞人清除出去。
Eliminate the bad elements who have wormed their way into our ranks.
7. 她竭力從頭腦中把這種想法清除掉。
She tried hard to banish this idea from her mind. / She tried hard to clear/purge her mind of this idea.
8. 把嚼過的口香糖從長椅下清除掉。
Removing spent slugs of gum from under the bench.
9. 清除黨內不稱心的黨員的好時機。
An opportunity to purge the party of unsatisfactory members.
10. 清潔機器應包括阻塞物的清除。
Cleaning of the machine should include clearance of blockages.
詞目:清除 拼音:qīngchú 詞性:動詞 英文:[Clear away;Eliminate] 基本解釋: 全部去掉;掃除乾淨 花一個星期時間清除樹木
動詞 clear away; clean up; eliminate; get rid of
1. 她竭力從頭腦中把這種想法清除掉。
She tried hard to banish this idea from her mind. / She tried hard to clear/purge her mind of this idea.
2. 清除障礙
remove barriers
3. 清除園子裡的雜草
pluck up/out weeds in a garden; weed a garden; clear weeds of a garden
4. 清除隱患
remove a hidden danger
5. 清除邪念
cleanse the heart of/from sin; cleanse one's thoughts of sin
6. 清除貪官
root out corrupt officials
7. 清除叛徒奸細
comb out traitors and spies
8. 清除路邊雜物
clean up the roadside litter
9. 清除爐灰
clear a furnace/stove of ash; clear/clean/remove ash from a furnace/stove
10. 清除垃圾
clear/chuck away rubbish
11. 清除地毯上的灰塵
sweep the dust from the carpet; vacuum the carpet
12. 清除出黨
clear sb out of a party; expel sb from a party