狀況的英文 狀況用英語怎麼說?
condition n.情況;狀態;狀況;環境;條件;前提;病;疾病;身份
state of affairs 情況;事態
situation n.處境;情況;情景;狀態;形勢;位置;地點;職位;工作
status n.相對社會地位;相對身份;情形;狀態;狀況;地位;身份;重要地位;要人身份
常用 權威
1. 健康狀況
health condition; state of health
2. 財政狀況
financial condition
3. 盈利狀況
earning performance
4. 人權狀況
human rights conditions/situation
5. 供求狀況
supply-demand situation
6. 大氣狀況
atmospheric conditions
7. 經濟狀況
economic conditions
8. 婚姻狀況
marital status;marital status
9. 信用狀況
credit standing
10. 實際狀況
actual state
11. 財務狀況
financial position/status
12. 水分狀況
water regime
13. 營養狀況
nutritional status
14. 悽慘的狀況
miserable state
15. 處在野蠻狀況
be under a barbarous condition
16. 健康狀況記錄
health record
17. 緩解食品短缺狀況
alleviate the food shortage
18. 良好的國際收支狀況
healthy balance-of-payments position
1. 美國的交通狀況實際上越來越糟。
Traffic in the U.S. is actually getting worse.
2. 個人的財務狀況經常被低估。
An individual's financial status was often underestimated.
3. 口腔衛生狀況往往令人震驚。
Mouths were often in a shocking state of hygiene.
4. 它表明一個人的健康狀況。
It indicates one's health condition.
5. 超過一半的退休人員身體狀況適合工作。
Over half of the retirees are physically fit for work.
6. 居民的身體健康和精神狀況是最重要的。
What matters most was the residents' physical health and mental status.
7. 隨著時間的推移,她的健康狀況越來越差。
As time went by, her health got worse.
8. 傑森·莫蘭的工作就是幫助改變這種狀況。
It's Jason Moran's job to help change that.
9. 加劇貿易中的道德狀況。
Aggravates the ethical situation in the trade.
10. 以前的空氣狀況不夠好。
The air condition was not good enough.
名詞 condition; state of affairs; situation; status
1. 良好的國際收支狀況
healthy balance-of-payments position
2. 婚姻狀況
marital status
3. 財政/經濟狀況
financial/economic situation; financial/economic state
4. 健康狀況良好
be in good health; be healthy; be in (good physical) condition; be in the pink
5. 健康狀況不佳
be out of condition; be in bad physical condition; be in poor health
6. 改善目前這種狀況
remedy/improve the present state