倉庫的英文 倉庫用英語怎麼說?
storehouse n.倉庫;貨棧;大量;豐富
warehouse n.倉庫;貨棧;倉儲式批發商店;倉儲式零售商店
depository n.存放處;保管人;受託人
depot n.庫房;倉庫;兵站;公共汽車站;維修廠;車輛維修廠;火車站;團指揮部;團部
stockroom n.倉庫;貯藏室
常用 權威
1. 防火倉庫
fireproof repository
2. 看守倉庫
guard a storehouse
3. 出清倉庫
clear a warehouse
4. 倉庫交貨
ex warehouse delivery
5. 碼頭倉庫
transit warehouse
6. 給養倉庫
supply depot
7. 補給倉庫
supply depot
8. 商品倉庫
commodity warehouse
9. 資訊倉庫
information warehouse
10. 倉庫保管員
warehouseman; warehouser; storekeeper; storeman
11. 保稅倉庫
bonded warehouse;bonded storehouse/warehouse; customs/licensed warehouse
12. 倉庫存貨
warehouse stock
13. 清理倉庫
take stocks; check warehouse stocks
14. 看管倉庫
guard a warehouse
15. 臨時倉庫
transit depot/godown
16. 工具倉庫
tool crib; tool storage room
17. 把糧食存入倉庫
store grain in a granary
1. 然後,成品書被送往出版商的倉庫。
The finished books are then sent to the publisher's warehouse.
2. 現在這個區域主要是辦公樓和倉庫。
Now the area is mostly office buildings and warehouses.
3. 我在西南超級食品公司做倉庫管理員。
I worked as a stock clerk at Southwest Super Foods.
4. 這家企業沒有倉庫或辦公室等實體設施。
The business didn't have a physical presence such as a warehouse or office.
5. 我們需要能在倉庫分揀和包裝物品的人。
We need people who can work at our warehouse (倉庫) sorting and packing items.
6. 倉庫對科學研究至關重要。
Repositories are essential to scientific research.
7. 擁有倉庫網路的亞馬遜也在每個州徵收銷售稅。
Amazon.com, with its network of warehouses, also collects sales tax in every state.
8. 他的第一份工作是在巴特爾克里克療養院做倉庫管理員。
His first job was as a stock boy at the Battle Creek Sanitarium.
9. 倉庫丟了東西,保管員是要賠賬的。
The keeper will have to pay for the loss if anything in the warehouse is missing.
10. 貨物太多,倉庫裡盛不下了。
The warehouse is spilling over with so many goods.
名詞 storehouse; warehouse; depository; depot; stockroom
1. 收割的糧食儲存在倉庫裡。
The harvested grain was warehoused for safekeeping.
2. 存放在倉庫內
deposit in a warehouse; keep in the store house; be warehoused
3. 給養倉庫
supply depot
4. 貨品/傢俱倉庫
freight/furniture warehouse
5. 後勤倉庫
service/logistics depot
6. 防火倉庫
fireproof repository
7. 保稅倉庫
bonded warehouse
8. 倉庫存貨
warehouse stock
9. 清理倉庫
take stocks; check warehouse stocks
10. 出清倉庫
clear a warehouse
11. 一座倉庫
a storehouse/warehouse