損失的英文 損失用英語怎麼說?
lose v.失去;丟失;輸掉;未贏得(遊戲;競賽);入不敷出;虧損;迷路;專注於;使…失去;(因死亡、斷交)痛失(親屬)
damage n.損壞;損傷;傷害;損害賠償金;損害
loss n.遺失;喪失;損失;經濟損失;失去所愛之人(或寶貴事物)的痛苦;痛失;死後被人懷念的人;失去後使人難以忘懷的物品
常用 權威
1. 災難性損失
catastrophic loss
2. 損失錢財
lose money and property
3. 屢遭損失
suffer loss after loss
4. 分擔損失
split a loss (with)
5. 火災損失
fire loss
6. 補償損失
compensate sb for the loss
7. 匯兌損失
exchange loss
8. 追償損失
recover losses
9. 損失證明
proof of loss
10. 實際損失
actual loss
11. 蟲蛀損失
moth damage
12. 煙道損失
flue/stack loss
13. 跌價損失
loss from falling prices
14. 挽回損失
recover the losses;retrieve losses
15. 重大損失
heavy losses
16. 抵補損失
make up for the losses
17. 回採損失
mining loss
18. 壓頭損失
loss in head; head loss
19. 滲漏損失
seepage loss
20. 水分損失
moisture loss
1. 他們就重大損失要求損害賠償。
They claimed damages for their heavy losses.
2. 僅年收入損失就達2250億美元。
Lost income alone amounts to $225 billion a year.
3. 我來找你,為我間接造成的損失道歉。
I come to you to apologize for the damage I had indirectly caused.
4. 他們希望避免不必要的損失。
They want to avoid unnecessary losses.
5. 他們給國家經濟帶來的損失是無法估量的。
Their cost to the nation's economy is incalculable.
6. 如果他們不好奇,這對人類是多大的損失啊!
If they hadn't been curious, what a loss for humans!
7. 他損失了一大筆錢。
He lost a huge sum of money.
8. 想出一種方法來損失儘可能少的水是很有趣的。
It's fun to work out a way to lose as little water as possible.
9. 但是最近的評估顯示,損失比以前想象的更明顯。
But the recent measurements show the loss is more pronounced than previously thought.
10. 這些災難性事件造成了超過1.5萬億美元的經濟損失。
These catastrophic events caused more than $1.5 trillion in economic losses.
動詞 lose; damage
1. 這場火災損失慘重。
The fire has caused a heavy loss.
2. 經濟損失嚴重。
The economic toll is heavy.
3. 損失一員大將
lose a general (in a battle/war)
4. 損失錢財
lose money and property
5. 損失大量外匯
suffer heavy losses in foreign exchange
名詞 loss; damage
1. 他的逝世是我們事業的一個重大損失。
His death is a great loss to our cause.
2. 估計損失有多大?
What is the estimated loss?
3. 損失數百萬元。
The loss is in millions.
4. 戰爭損失
war/wartime damage
5. 意外損失
windfall loss; accidental damage
6. 火災損失
fire loss; damage by/from a fire
7. 不可估量/不可挽回的損失
immeasurable/irredeemable loss
8. 造成毀滅性損失
cause a ruinous loss
9. 遭受重大損失
suffer/sustain heavy losses
10. 挽回損失
recover the losses
11. 賠償損失
recompense/recoup/recover a loss; redress for damage
12. 彌補損失
repair a loss/damage; make up (for) a loss
13. 屢遭損失
suffer loss after loss
14. 估計損失
assess damage (at)
15. 分擔損失
split a loss (with)
16. 承擔損失
bear a loss
17. 補償損失
compensate for a loss; remedy a loss
18. 避免經濟損失
avert economic losses