試試的英文 試試用英語怎麼說?
make trial of
1. 想試試
want to have a try
1. 只是為了好玩,現在試試吧。
Just for fun, try it now.
2. Carême指導讀者\自己在家試試這個\。
Carême instructed readers to \try this for yourself at home\ .
3. 究竟抵事不抵事,還要試試看。
Only after we have tried shall we know whether it works.
4. 試試把床和沙發換個個兒,看怎麼樣。
Let’s see how it goes when the positions of the bed and sofa are switched.
5. 戴上這頂帽子試試尺寸大小。
Try on the hat for size.
6. 說得倒容易,你來試試。
You say it’s easy, then come and have a try.
7. 你可以試試把那一行轉成註解。
You could try commenting out that line.
8. 我想試試是否能第四次奪冠。
I fancy having a crack at winning a fourth title.
9. 她把腳趾在水中劃了一下,試試水溫。
She trawled a toe to test the temperature.
10. 填飽肚子後,我急於再試試。
After refreshing the inner woman, I was all for trying again.