平行的英文 平行用英語怎麼說?
parallel adj.平行的;類似的;並聯的;並存的;相對應的;並行的;按兩種語言分班教學的學校的
simultaneous adj.同時出現的;同時操作的;同時進行的;同步的
concurrent adj.同時存在的;同時發生的;同時做的;一致的;連貫的
常用 權威
1. 平行線
parallel lines; parallel
2. 平行線支票
crossed cheque
3. 平行貸款
parallel loan
4. 平行機關
units/organizations of equal/level rank; parallel organizations
5. 平行四邊形
6. 平行操作
parallel operation
7. 平行作業
concurrent works; parallel operations; simultaneous operations
8. 平行脈
parallel veins
9. 平行代表權
parallel representation
10. 平行管轄權
concurrent jurisdiction
11. 平行市場
parallel market
12. 平行角
parallel angle
13. 平行儀
14. 平行發展
concurrent development
15. 平行結構
parallel structure
16. 平行電流
17. 平行匯率
parallel rate of exchange
18. 平行主權
concurrent sovereignty
19. 平行尺
parallel rule
20. 作平行運算
make calculations in parallel
1. 畫一條線與這條線平行。
Draw a line parallel to this one.
2. 這兩個機構是平行的。
The two units are of equal rank.
3. 這條公路與鐵路平行。
The road runs parallel with/to the railway. / The road parallels the railway.
4. 這些樹與公路平行。
The trees stand in parallel lines along the road.
5. 平行線永遠不相交。
Parallel lines never join/meet.
6. 與道路平行的一條大型水泥排水溝。
A big concrete gutter that paralleled the road.
7. 城堡本身用斜向平行針法繡制。
The castle itself is worked in tent stitch.
8. 兩條經線在赤道平行而在兩極趨於相交。
A pair of lines of longitude are parallel at the equator but converge toward the poles.
9. 這條路與渥太華河平行。
The road runs parallel to the Ottawa River.
10. 將平行線置於鋸齒形條紋的背景上,策爾納幻覺會讓這些平行線看似形成分岔。
Zollner's illusion makes parallel lines seem to diverge by placing them on a zigzag-striped background.
形詞 parallel; of equal rank; on an equal footing; of the same level
1. 這兩個機構是平行的。
The two units are of equal rank.
2. 平行代表權
parallel representation
形詞 parallel
1. 這些樹與公路平行。
The trees stand in parallel lines along the road.
2. 這條公路與鐵路平行。
The road runs parallel with/to the railway. / The road parallels the railway.
3. 畫一條線與這條線平行。
Draw a line parallel to this one.
4. 相互平行
be parallel to/with each other
形詞 simultaneous; concurrent
1. 就各個問題進行平行討論
hold simultaneous discussions on different subjects
2. 作平行運算
make calculations in parallel
3. 平行發展
concurrent development
4. 平行操作
parallel operation
形詞 parallel; of identical/equi-valent syntactic constructions
1. 平行句子成分
parallel elements/parts of the sentence
2. 平行結構
parallel structure