阻礙的英文 阻礙用英語怎麼說?
hinder v.阻礙;打擾
block n.大塊;大塊石板;獨棟大型建築物;大廈;大樓;大宗;大批;障礙;故障;平面;純色色塊;滑輪;滑輪組
impede v.妨礙;阻礙;阻止
obstruct v.堵住;堵塞;阻塞;擋住;阻礙;妨礙;阻撓;阻止;設定障礙;製造困難
常用 權威
1. 阻礙進步
cramp sb's progress
2. 阻礙核查
hamper the nuclear inspection process
3. 阻礙經濟發展
hamper economic development
4. 阻礙某人提升
block sb's promotion
5. 清除人為的阻礙
remove the artificial obstacles
1. 這也阻礙了綠色和可持續發展。
It also gets in the way of green and sustainable development.
2. 它可能會阻礙個人職業發展。
It may hinder individual career advancement.
3. 決策疲勞可能會阻礙人們做出明智的決定。
Decision fatigue may prevent people making wise decisions.
4. 掌握一件事而排斥其他事會阻礙你真正的意志。
Mastering one thing to the exclusion of others can hold back your true spirit.
5. 仿製的博柏利產品阻礙了奢侈品消費者購買其正品。
Imitated Burberry products discouraged luxury consumers from buying its genuine products.
6. 從第3自然段可以看出,該條款可能會阻礙業務發展。
It can be learned from paragraph 3 that the provisions may hinder business development.
7. 一些國會議員正試圖阻礙該計劃,並向聯邦法院提出挑戰。
Some Congress members are trying to block the plan and challenging it in federal court.
8. Anneke明白了恐懼是如何阻礙人們完成夢想之事的。
Anneke understands how fear can get in the way of so many things people dream of doing.
9. 法院駁回了聯邦通訊委員會試圖阻礙所有關於網路中立性的州規定的企圖。
The court threw out the FCC's attempt to block all state rules on net neutrality.
10. 歐洲蕨會阻礙野生唐菖蒲的生長。
The bracken will choke the wild gladiolus.
【詞條】“阻礙” 【拼音】“zu ai” 阻礙 阻礙(Obstruction):阻礙的行為包含: (1)阻礙打擊:防守球員或成員的行為,遮住擊球員視線,或者阻止了擊球員順利擊球。 (2)阻礙跑壘:防守球員在未持球,非處理擊出球,或非迎接傳來之球時,阻礙到跑壘員或擊跑員的正常跑壘。 基本解釋 1. [hinder;block;impede;obstruct]∶阻力,障礙 阻礙生產力的發展 2. [block;obstruction]∶起阻礙作用
動詞 hinder; block; impede; obstruct
1. 遇到阻礙
meet with obstruction; encounter a holdup
2. 清除人為的阻礙
remove the artificial obstacles
3. 阻礙生長/發展
retard/stunt the growth (of)
4. 阻礙生產力的發展
hinder the development of the productive forces
5. 阻礙前進
impede the advance; clog the progress; hinder sb/sth from going forward
6. 阻礙經濟發展
hamper economic development
7. 阻礙進步
cramp sb's progress
8. 阻礙交通
block/obstruct/hinder/impede the traffic
9. 阻礙和平程序
prevent the peace process from going forward
10. 阻礙工作
hinder one's work; hinder sb in his work