傾倒的英文 傾倒用英語怎麼說?
topple over 推翻;倒塌;垮掉
overturn v.打翻;掀翻;推翻;使無效;翻仰過來
greatly admire 非常敬佩;非常讚賞
tip n.末梢;末端;尖端;頂端;垃圾傾倒場;擦棒球;小費;小賬;小建議;小忠告
dump n.垃圾堆場;轉儲;轉存;垃圾堆;廢料堆場;礦山廢石堆;骯髒的地方;亂七八糟的地方;令人討厭的地方;拉屎
empty adj.空的;不含東西的;無人(居住)的;空洞的;不會兌現的;無含義的;無價值的;空虛的;不含任何元(或元素)的
pour out 傾吐;倒出;澆灌
常用 權威
1. 傾倒垃圾
dump rubbish
2. 傾倒苦水
pour out one's grievances
3. 垃圾傾倒場
dumping ground; refuse dump; garbage dump
1. 他們被從一輛卡車上一下子傾倒下來。
They'd been dumped (傾倒) from a truck all at once.
2. 已經禁止超市傾倒食物。
It has banned supermarkets from dumping edible foods.
3. 他們精彩的表演使觀眾大為傾倒。
Their brilliant performance took the audience by storm.
4. 這出戏使所有的觀眾為之傾倒。
The play had an overwhelming fascination for all the spectators.
5. 去這個城市遊覽的人大多數都為之傾倒。
Most visitors to this city are enamoured with it.
6. 這座危房隨時可能傾倒。
The unsafe house is in danger of collapse at any moment.
7. 她的演唱鎮住了全場觀眾,人們無不為之傾倒。
Her singing took the theatre by storm.
8. 她將心中鬱積的痛苦和不幸一股腦兒傾倒出來了。
She gave vent to all the bitterness and unhappiness that had been locked inside her.
9. 在海邊傾倒廢物會汙染漁場和海灘。
Shore dumping can pollute fishing grounds and beaches.
10. 卡車在這裡傾倒了1,900噸廢物。
Trucks dumped 1,900 tons of refuse here.
傾倒(英文:dump、tip),讀音為qīng dǎo、qīng dào ,漢語詞語,讀qīng dǎo時指倒塌;倒下;也指心折,佩服;使人傾心、愛慕。讀qīng dào指全部倒出;大量付出;也指傾吐。例句為“他那精彩的表演令全場觀眾為之傾倒”。 近義詞為坍塌、倒塌、傾頹。反義詞為屹立、挺立、豎立。相關句子有秦牧《茅臺·花雕瓶子》:“茅臺酒,這些年來更是傾倒了無數國際友人。”
動詞 topple and fall; topple over; overturn
1. 這座危房隨時可能傾倒。
The unsafe house is in danger of collapse at any moment.
動詞 greatly admire
1. 他們精彩的表演使觀眾大為傾倒。
Their brilliant performance took the audience by storm.
2. 去這個城市遊覽的人大多數都為之傾倒。
Most visitors to this city are enamoured with it.
3. 為之傾倒
be infatuated with sb/sth; be overwhelmed with admiration for sb/sth; have an overwhelming fascination for sb
4. 被迷人的個性所傾倒
fall under the spell of sb's charming personality; be smitten by sb's charming personality
動詞 tip; dump; empty; pour out
1. 此處不準傾倒垃圾。
No dumping here.
2. 傾倒垃圾
dump rubbish
3. 傾倒苦水
pour out one's grievances