搭配的英文 搭配用英語怎麼說?
collocate v.與…搭配;與…組合;與…連用;並列放置;使並列;配置
cooperate v.合作;配合;協作
match n.比賽;對手;敵手;相配的人;配得上的人;火柴;搭配;配合;配對;婚姻
pair n.一雙;一對;一副;一把;一條;對子;倆人;另一隻;另一人;交配的一對
常用 權威
1. 搭配詞典
dictionary of collocations; collocations dictionary
2. 搭配意義
collocative meaning
3. 合理搭配
arrange in proper proportions
4. 搭配發盤
combination/combined offer
5. 搭配銷售
tie-in sale; package sale
6. 顏色搭配
colour matching/coordination
1. 不同的飲食搭配蔬菜和新鮮水果對大腦非常有益。
A different diet (飲食) with vegetables and fresh fruits is good for the brain.
2. 從上面的選單中,我們知道麵包和黃油是搭配開胃菜的。
From the menu above, we know that bread and butter goes with starters.
3. 這種搭配日常生活中習見習用。
This collocation is usual. It is frequently found in our everyday life.
4. 兩位選手搭配得十分默契。
The two players cooperate very well. / The two players make a perfect team.
5. 這兩個詞相互不搭配。
These two words don’t collocate with each other. / The two words don’t go together.
6. 這兩種顏色不搭配。
These two colours don’t match.
7. 花呢衣服和條紋襯衫的不當搭配。
A clash of tweeds and a striped shirt.
8. 習慣上可與voyage搭配。
Maiden' collocates with 'voyage'. Maiden.
9. 把這個季節的色彩搭配起來表達冬天。
Mix and match this season's colours for a combination that says winter.
10. 以前大西部流行的赭色和米色搭配的色調。
The former Great Western colours of chocolate and cream.
搭配(英文:collocate),讀音dā pèi,漢語詞語,指的是按適當的標準或比例加以配合或分配。例句:他注重上衣和褲子的搭配,整個人顯得很精神。 近義詞為合作、配合、組合。
動詞 combine proportionally; collocate
1. 這兩個詞相互不搭配。
These two words don't collocate with each other. / The two words don't go together.
2. 合理搭配
arrange in proper proportions
動詞 cooperate
1. 兩位選手搭配得十分默契。
The two players cooperate very well. / The two players make a perfect team.
動詞 match; pair
1. 這兩隻鞋不搭配。
These two shoes don't pair.
2. 這兩種顏色不搭配。
These two colours don't match.