字型的英文 字型用英語怎麼說?
font n.洗禮盆;聖水盂;一副活字;字型;盛油罐
letterform n.字型
script n.指令碼; 書法;筆跡;手書;手寫體;劇本;電影劇本;廣播稿;筆試答卷;處方;印刷手寫體
typeface n.字面
handwriting n.手寫;書寫;筆跡;寫字風格
writing n.寫作;寫作技能;著作;字;字跡;書法;筆跡;著書;寫作的職業;作品
常用 權威
1. 字型挺秀
write an elegant hand
2. 字型端麗
neat and beautiful handwriting
3. 印表機字型
printer font
4. 細長的字型
spidery writing
5. 小號字型
lower case letter
6. 用大號字型印刷
be printed in big letters
1. 可移動的金屬字型開始用於印刷。
Moveable metal type began to be used in printing.
2. 我們用字型、插圖和照片進行了實驗。
We experimented with type, with illustration and with photos.
3. 有時候你腦子裡知道一個詞,但你不知道它的印刷字型是什麼樣子。
Sometimes you know a word in your head but you don't know what it looks like in print.
4. 在船下面,他用大大的紅色印刷字型寫著:C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S!
Under the ship, he printed in big red letters: C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S!
5. 小號字型讀起來很費力。
Small type is hard to read.
6. 時報文章標題將用14點字型排印。
Article headings will be set in Times fourteen point.
7. 他的字型是如此優美,現在仍然是設計師們的最愛。
[as pronoun]such is the elegance of his typeface that it is still a favourite of designers.
8. 她的字型頭部像迎風飄揚的黑色旗幟,尾部如傳說中野獸那遒勁有力的腰腿。
Her calligraphy was topped by banners of black ink and tailed like the haunches of fabulous beasts.
9. 本工作簿不能再使用其他新字型.
No more new fonts may be applied in this workbook.
10. 漢字可以看成由形狀和字型構成。
Chinese characters can be disassembled with shape and font .
名詞 font; letterform; form of a written or printed character; script; typeface
1. 印表機字型
printer font
名詞 style of calligraphy
名詞 handwriting; writing