多高的英文 多高用英語怎麼說?
how tall
常用 重點詞彙
1. 有些危險活動無論保險費多高都是不可予以保險的。
Some risky activities are uninsurable at any price.
2. 攻擊者要做到這樣大概需要多高?
How tall would her assailant have to be to fit the evidence?
3. 阿里山的面積有多大? 海拔多高?
How large is the area of Alishan? How high is the elevation?
4. 河狸似乎知道該把堤壩築多高正好.
Beavers seem to know just how high to make a dam.
5. 你眼鏡度數多高?屈光度為3。
How strong are your glasses?3 diopters.
6. 目前還不清楚履約價格會多高。
It is unclear what the strike price will be.
7. 我能期待多高的圖象保真度?
What kind of the image definition and fidelity can I expect?
8. 這盞巨大的吊燈有七米多高
The huge crystal chandelier is more than seven metres high
9. 雞蛋達到多高才能破碎?
How high does the egg get before it cracks?
10. 超級溶解氧裝置能產生多高的溶解氧濃度?
Q. How much oxygen does Super-Ox? equipment generate?
how tall