結合的英文 結合用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-09



combine v.結合;聯合;合併;用聯合收割機收割;兼有;化合;為共同目的而聯合;同時參與

unite v.團結;聯合;統一;和…結婚

integrate v.使結合;使合併;使平等進入;求…的積分;融合;結合;與…結合成整體;平等加入;取消(學校、地區等)的種族隔離規定

link n.事物間的聯絡;關聯;一環;瀝青和麻屑火把;橋樑;交通線;溝通的紐帶;聯絡;聯絡方式;鏈路

get married 結婚

常用 權威



1. 結合能

binding energy

2. 結合代數

associative algebra

3. 結合函式

associative function

4. 土洋結合

combine indigenous and foreign methods; integrate traditional with modern methods

5. 結合力

binding force

6. 有機結合

be organically combined

7. 城鄉結合

integration of town and country

8. 勞逸結合

strike a balance between work and rest; alternate work with rest and recreation

9. 結合酶

conjugase; desmoenzyme

10. 條塊結合

integration of leadership by central ministries with leadership by local government; integration of departments and regions at different levels

11. 企口結合

tongue-and-groove joint; T and G joint

12. 結合面

faying face/surface

13. 結合式


14. 結合水

bound/tie water

15. 虛實結合

combination of virtuality and reality

16. 結合蛋白

binding protein(s)

17. 結合機率

join probability

18. 結合碳

combined carbon

19. 與群眾相結合

integrate oneself with the masses

20. 理論結合實踐

combine theory with practice


1. 對傳統的研究應該與實踐相結合

The study of traditions should be combined with practice.

2. 長壽是心理和身體健康結合的成果。

Longevity results from a combination of mental and physical health.

3. 把它們和傳統的刺啟用動結合起來。

By blending them with traditional, stimulating activities.

4. 她必須把事實和虛構結合起來。

She has to combine fact with fiction.

5. 太極拳是呼吸、冥想和慢動作的結合

Tai chi is a mix of breathing, meditation (冥想) and slow movements.

6. 將他們的研究與農業技術的進步相結合

For aligning their research with advances in farming technology.

7. 它結合了氣象站的資料和機器學習方法。

It used a combination of data (資料資料) from weather stations and machine learning methods.

8. 把娛樂和欣賞嚴肅藝術結合起來是可能的。

It is possible to combine entertainment with appreciation of serious art.

9. 不能指望學校單憑一己之力把社會結合起來。

Schools cannot be expected to bring together communities single-handed.

10. 我們需要把\人機對抗\重構為\人機結合\。

We need to reframe race against the machine as race with the machine.



動詞 combine; unite; integrate; link

1. 氧和氫結合生成水。

Oxygen combines with hydrogen to form water.

2. 我將你的建議和我的計劃結合起來了。

I integrated your suggestions with my plan.

3. 教育必須與實踐相結合。

Education must be combined with practice.

4. 體力勞動與腦力勞動的結合

integration of manual and mental labour

5. 古今結合

combination of the old and new

6. 與群眾相結合

integrate oneself with the masses

7. 實現經濟效益與社會效益的最佳結合

achieve an optimal combination of social and economic benefits

8. 理論結合實踐

combine theory with practice

9. 把工作和娛樂更好地結合起來

achieve a better balance between work and play

動詞 get married; be united in wedlock

1. 他們的結合從一開始就是個錯誤。

Their marriage was a mistake from the very beginning.
