表明的英文 表明用英語怎麼說?
indicate v.指出;指示;暗示行動的可取性;表明;顯示;簡要陳述;強烈暗示;簡略承認;示意;(量表
manifest adj.顯然的;清楚的;明顯的
show v.顯示;使被看見;顯露;證明;表明;展示;展現;出示;播出;引導;給…看
常用 權威
1. 表明身份
reveal one's identity
2. 表明心意
disclose one's intention
3. 表明決心
declare one's determination
4. 表明態度
make one's attitude clear
1. 這表明他不重視農村地區的特點。
It shows his disregard for the character of rural areas.
2. 研究表明暖色會刺激我們的食慾。
Research suggests warm colors fuel our appetites.
3. 你臉上的微笑表明你很高興或友好。
A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly.
4. 這表明政府在決策上缺乏耐心。
It shows governments' impatience in decision-making.
5. 研究表明,不活動的人可能會生病。
Research shows that people who are not active can get sick.
6. 表明說謊可能與無法抵抗誘惑有關。
Suggesting that lying may have to do with the inability to resist temptation.
7. 它表明了你是誰,你來自哪裡。
It shows who you are and where you're from.
8. 它表明了季度資本主義的失敗。
It shows failure of quarterly capitalism.
9. 這表明政府幹預是沒有必要的。
It shows the needlessness of government interventions.
10. 研究表明,小睡一小時左右是最好的。
The research shows that napping for about an hour is the best.
表明(英文:show),讀音biǎo míng,漢語詞語,指的是彰明、彰顯;也指表示清楚。例句有“他的行動表明了他是個誠實可靠的人”。 相關古文有“追而序之,蓋所以表明天子之復古,而張後來者之趣尚耳。”出自唐代元稹《制誥序》,相關近義詞有解釋、闡明、註腳,反義詞有暗示。
動詞 indicate; manifest; make clear/known; show
1. 種種跡象表明天氣要變。
There is every indication of a change in the weather. / There is every indication that the weather will change.
2. 研究表明吸菸的人比不吸菸的人更有可能得癌症。
Studies indicate/show that smokers are more likely to develop cancer than nonsmokers.
3. 所有證據表明他就是殺人兇手。
All evidence pointed to/showed him as the murderer.
4. 後來發生的事情表明他的懷疑有道理。
Subsequent events vindicated his suspicions.
5. 表明意見
give voice to one's opinion; voice one's opinion
6. 表明態度
make one's attitude clear; state one's attitude
7. 表明身份
reveal one's identity
8. 表明立場
declare/take one's stand
9. 表明決心
declare one's determination